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The next day...

Poke. Pavel pokes Dome cheeks trying to wake him up.

"Noo~" Dome groaned.

"Don't you have a research to do?" Pavel asked while playing with Dome's ears.

"I don't want to get up, my body hurts specially my hips and butt." Dome replied with no filter.

Pavel chuckled. "C'mon, I wasn't that rough." He said while pulling the med closer to him.

"You were out of control last night, don't even deny it. Besides, I can't hide these marks." Dome said as he point his neck.

"They look sexy on you though, I'll go and tell your friends you can't come." Pavel suggested but Dome did not agree.

"No, they already know." Dome meanigfully said, Pavel frowned.

"What? How?"

"Believe me I've known them since freshmen." Pavel just let it go.


Both of them fell in a deep thought, they can't forget what just happened. The problems they faced wasn't easy but still here they are.

Dome faced Pavel, the Engineer smiled at him.

"You look so hot." Pavel teased.

Dome chuckled.

"Stop. I know what's on your mind."

Pavel laughed as he reached for Dome's feet.

"I wanna do pervert things to you now, let's shower but hot version." Pavel smirks.

Dome hold unto the bed.

"No!" He screamed.

"Yes, baby. You know I'm not gonna stop until I get what I want."

Those lines made Dome to hold umto the bed's metal part more. This is life and death situation, if Pavel wins Dome will never be able to walk until tomorrow.

With every effort he put not to be caught by his lover went to vain, just like Pavel said he won't stop until be gets what he want.

It was a long day a head, specially for Dome. Pray for his soul, kids.


After lunch, Dome decided to attend the class.

When he entered the room Nine and Ben just stared to him for a second and went back to the papers.

"Sorry, I'm late." Dome calmly said.

"We undestand that you had honey--" Nine smacked Pavel in an instant. He would not want to fucking let Dome know their sinful doing.

"What?" Dome asked.

"Nothing, ben was late too. Just start with your part." Nine said changing the topic.

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