29: Flashback II

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They say that meeting twice was a merely coincidence but meeting thrice in a row means fate.

Nine was walking back to their classroom after their class at the pool. His hair is still dripping water as he just came out from the shower room.

His towel is on his shoulders, he was walking while whistling peacfully when suddenly someone bumped into him.

"Sorry khrab Phi!" Many student started running through his way.

"What is happening, Nong?" Nine asked, when he noticed the commotion.

"Oh, Phi! There's a fight. A junior bump to a senior and the senior did not like it so right now he is dead meat!" The boy explained after that he wai-ed on Nine and started to run towards the pile of people.

Nine frowned, he had a really bad feeling about it so he act instinctively. He went to the crowd and walked through the pile of students to get to the middle.

And when reach the middle, he was shocked.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled to the guys who made his Nong look this way.

Puffed lips and blood or over his face.

"Wait, you guys are in 11th grade! How dare you bully your Nong!" He angrily spites.

"Aw, Phi. That kid bumped into me and refused to say sorry!" The guy explained.

"You don't need to hurt him you should've have talk to him!" Nine uttered.

"Sorry P' but he deserves it." The guy just said as he shook his head and then he and his friends went on their way.

Nine closed his fist. He has no time to lecture those students anymore, he needs to help Joong.

He turned to the bystanders.

"All of you! Why didn't you stop them!?"

The students bow their heads. Out of guilty, specially because a popular senior is nagging on them. Nine is known for being a friendly and caring senior so many really respects him.

"Go!" Nine yelled. So the students started to walk away from the scene.

He helped Joong to stand up and supported his weight.

"Let's go to the clinic." Nine said as he guide Joong.

When they arrived at the clinic. They received an earful from their Phi.

"Why didn't you say sorry? And Nine, why didn't you get those boys some earful? Both of you, I don't want to see you here again, understand?"

Nine scratched his head.

"Aww!" Joong exclaimed when Dean put some ointment to his wounds. Nine rubs the back of is Nong comforting him.

"What really happened?" Nind asked.

"Nothing Phi." Joong said while he tries to not look at Nine.

"Spill it or I'll poke that wound!" Nine yelled to him while pointing his wounds which made both Joong and Dean widened their eyes.

"So brutal!" Dean exclaimed.

The lad kept quiet as he wait for Joong's answer.
Joong sighed, he had no choice but to tell Nine how the seniors kept tormenting him for money and other stuff.

"Those punks!" Nine stood up.

"Okay, calm down kid. I don't want another patient here." Dean uttered as he pushed Nine down to sit.

Joong stayed silent. Because of those guys he got scared that other seniors will do the same to him so he would skip lunch and sleep at the field instead because the seniors eat lunch at the same time with 10th graders.

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