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Nine felt the dryness of his lips, he thought that 'damn, it's reality check.' Their days at the Phuket's island ended happily and now it's time for him to face reality.

Nine looked at Chen who was peeling some apple with a trembling hands. If Nine is nervous Chen was million times nervous. He stared down to his hospital gown and sighed.

He doesn't even know how to make Chen feel assured, because deep down Nine knew he can't promise Chen that he will live. There could be turns of events, which may be for the better or worse.

Before this day, when Nine and Chen went back. Chen's mom was the one to greet them first. She encouraged the couple to stay strong, she even hugged Nine and whispered congrats.

Nine was so happy. They had dinner and there Chen's mom told her stories about her and Nine's father from past to present. She told the kids that they finally had a closure and now she felt at ease.

They talked almost anything and everything that day.

Nine closed his fist. He told himself that this is just like the weird shit happened before and just like those times, they will get through it.

The door opened which made Nine's heart go crazy.

"Nine, it's time." His P'Dean said.

Nine looked at Chen.

They exchanged meaningful stare. Chen approached Nine with a hug and kisses.

"You're strong, Phi. I know." Chen said trying to make Nine go with ease.

Not so long, Nine family and friends went inside to give him spirit. Dean went out a bit and gave them time.

He hugged them one by one, as  he talked like he's gonna be gone for a long time.

"Yo, why are you talking like you're gonna go abroad?" Ben teased.

"Shut up and just enjoy my soft hours!" Nine spat.

"Oho, hugging wasn't your thing~ Nine soft hours is really open!" Pavel teased too. Nine gave Dome a look and in a second Pavel received the glare of the peach dragon.

That shut him up.

"I know you can do this, Phi! It's the last level!" Earth said cheering up Nine.

"Yes!" Nine agreed.

When It was turn for him to hug his mother and nong. Nine started to become emotional.

"Mom, don't g-give me that face!" He whined.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry~" His mom apologized.

"Good boy, okay?" Nine patted his nong head before he went to his P'sao.

"I'm n-not worrid a-at all! Bad weeds don't die early!" Mila tried her best to not sound like she's about to cry but failed. Nine gave her a fake smirk and responded with "Huh! Of course I am, you buffalo!"

When he turned to Chen, he did not say anything and straight up kissed him to his lips. It was quite long passionate kiss that they forgot about the crowd  that they almost started making out-- the crowd had to fake cough to stop them already.

The people teased them until Dean fetched Nine again.

"Take care na~" Nine said one last time while waving before he entered the operating room.

Chen could only give Nine a worried but encouraging smile.

"Did you tell them?" Dean asked as he guided Nine to the hospital bed.

"Phi, I don't want them to worry more." Nine answered.

"Nine, you're gonna make them suffer more---" Dean was cut off.

"No, because I WILL survive this. I won't let them down and I promised to walk the aisle and marry Joong." Nine said with full of emotion, Dean felt how brave and confident Nine was, it made him also believe that he can do the operation well.

When the operation started everyone waited outside but as the clock ticks some of them had to go home already, leaving only Chen and Nine's family waiting.

Chen volunteered to watch over Nine for the night so Nine's family can take a rest.

As he wait outside he tried his best to distract himself but it was no use.

Time passed and it feels like it's too long. The operation started around 7:00 p.m. and It's already 11 p.m.

Chen started to doze off because he felt really sleepy already.
As his eyelids started to slowly fall he suddenly heard a sound.

It was the machine, the life machine everyone hates because when it creates sound it means someone is dying or worse someone is dead already.

Chen felt his chest sting.

He knocked at the door of the operation room trying to get in.

"P'Nine!! P'Nine!!" He yelled on top of his lungs.

"P'Nine!! Can you hear me?! Don't give up!!!" He continued to  scream desperately until Nine's family showed up.

They started to brawl their eyes but Chen kept banging the door.
They don't even know what to do.

Chen continued to call Nine's name

"You promised to marry me! P'Nine!! Please!!!! Don't go!"

"Chen, c--calm down..." Mila held Chen to calm him down but no use.

"P'NINE!!!"  Chen cried out loud as he fell on his knees.

"You promised..." He sobbed.

That night, the sound of their own cry, sob and the life machine was the only thing they could hear at the empty hallway.

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