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I woke up just in time when we're about to land. I fixed myself and look to the person beside me.

"hey, Ben we're landing." I told him in a soft voice as I try to wake him up.

I yawned. Ben opened his eyes and I can see how tired they are.

"Did you stay late because of me?" I asked him, when he heard that he suddenly had the spirit.

"No, it was because I'm not that fond of airplanes." He said. I gave him a nod.

When the plane landed successfully we stood up to get out--but I went to Joong.

"Phi, did you have a good sleep?" He asked me when he saw me.

"Yes, how about you?" I asked him as I fix his hair.

He sighed. "I did not, I was uncomfortable don't have anyone to hug." He whined, Pavel went to us and bumped into Joong's shoulder which made me raise a brow.

"Stop lying your ass out, kid. You were clinging to my love the whole flight!" Pavel yelled full of loathe. 

"I wasn't!" Joong denied, he looks like he's a child being accused of doing something he didn't and I thought it was really cute of him. I couldn't help but secretly smile. I can't handle how adorable he looked like.

"Pavel?" Dome suddenly called, looks like he just noticed Pavel wasn't with him.

"Coming, Tee rak!" He happily replied, Nine could only shake his head witnessing Pavel's sudden changing of moods.

Joong turned to me while pouting which made me feel sparkles.

"P' Nine, the old hag has been bullying me since we flew," He whined to me.

"Let him be, if he does it again call me. Dome will sided me than him, don't worry." I told him as I chuckle.

"That sounds so wrong." Ben suddenly appeared and now, he's teasing again. I rolled my eyes.

The moment we stepped out of the plane I can't stop but to feel more excited about the whole trip. We did not really wasted any more time and went to Phi Phi Island. We rode a ferry and the whole time we were riding it we just ate our snacks and snap some picture and videos. But most of the time, it was me and Ben bickering again.

Thankfully, we're here!

I went down from the ferry and felt the cold water of the beach. It felt like a dream tho.

"WoHOOOOOooo! We're here!" Earth yelled as he jumped out of the ferry splashing the water to us. 

"Hey! Careful, kid!" Ben reminded him.

I smiled widely as I stretched my arm. 

"Welcome to Phi Phi island~" Joong said with his cuddle tone and gave me a peck on my lips. I was too happy to give a care that everyone might have seen him. 

"Hey, lovebirds! Continue that to your room!" Pavel called which interrupted our cuddle time. 

"Oho, at the room, huh?" Joong said as he flashed a very naughty smirk. I gave him a glare.

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