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I opened my eyes. White background....again. I thought it was just a dream.

I looked around and saw the person I was looking for sleeping. His head is resting on the bed while he is seated on the bench.

"Joong." I called him as I poke his arm.

He quickly woke up and when he saw me, I gave him a smile.

"P'Nine!" He exclaimed and hugged me, he burried his face to my shoulder. I know I made him worried again, I wish I can stop these things from happening already but I have no control about it.

"Hey, I'm okay. Did you stay awake all night? Look at those eyebags!" I told him. He just nodded without making more movements.

"Why did you-- why?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for keeping it a secret. I was just scared that I won't able to make it. I don't want you to suffer." I softly answered as I caressed his head.

"P'Nine, that's not the only thing you did not tell me." He whispered.

I know what he meant. P'Mila told him already I know my sister more than anyone.

"I don't want you to know or remember everything because I know it will hurt you." I explained.

"I know...  but Phi---" I cutted him off.

"What matters is the present one. Don't you think? You will fight for me, right?" I asked him.

"This time I will do the rest." He said as he broke the hug and kissed me on my nose.

"Just be healthy for now and make do well on your surgery." I smiled at him.

"Excuse me, Kornchid kha. Time for medicine." The nurse said as she went to me.

"Thank you khrab." I told her as I put the medicine inside my mouth she was about to give me the water when Chen suddenly took it from her. She was quite shocked but she just smiled.

After drinking the medicine the nurse went out already.

"Just go to sleep, Phi." I pouted.

"Why? I just woke up." I whined.

"I want you to be healthy as early as possible." I frowned.

"Joong, It's not all about sleeping---" This time I was the one being cut off, I zipped my mouth when he suddenly lie beside me.

"Really?" I asked him with hint of annoyance to my voice.

"If you're not gonna sleep I will. My eyes hurt, Phi." He complained as he rest his chin to my shoulder.

"No one forced you to stay all night, young man." I told him.

"I was dead worried last night, you can't blame me." I just sighed and surrendered to him.

I let him burry his face to my neck. Just a little while I can already hear him snoring a little, it's a sign that he was really tired.

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