9: Baby giant

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Nine cleaned his room, it's the first time for him to let a stranger sleep inside his room.

Chen knocked on his door so he had to fix himself then opened the door.

"Wait, before you go inside you better promise me not to do anything stupid." Nine warned.

Chen smiled playfully.

"What if I will?" He teasingly asked, Nine gave him a slap on his arm.

"I'm gonna kick you out! You will sleep on that hot hallway!" Nine scolded.

"I was just kidding P'" Chen said and pout.

Since they had dinner before going home what is left to do is to sleep.

"You can use my bed, I'll sleep on the sofa." Nine said as be pushed Chen gently to the bed. Nine is pretty obvious being gentle to the younger giant.

"P' I'm not even sleepy yet, and it's your room you should be sleeping to your bed." Chen insisted.

Nine shook his head, "No, I'm fine. You should sleep comforably you're still sick."

Chen held Nine's arm.

"Then, sleep here with me." Chen said.

Nine frowned.

"No." He refused.

"Na.. na? P' Nine? I won't be able to sleep if you sleep uncomfortably with that sofa." Nine knew this would happen this junior is really persistent. Nine sighed.

Chen smiled happily when Nine sat on the bed, it means Nine is going to sleep beside him.

Chen moved sideward so he can give Nine space. Nine laid his back and put a big pillow at the middle.

"Aww? P?" Nine smirked.

"You think I don't know that trick?" Nine covered himself with the blanket.

Chen sadly lie down.

"P' Nine, thank you for taking care of me." Chen opened up.

"It's nothing, it was my fault." Nine said.

"No, P' why would it be your fault?" Chen did not want Nine to blame himself because none of them were at fault in the first place.

"Because... if I did not agree to have a bet you wouldn't have to push yourself that much." Nine said with full of regret.

"P' I was the one who made the bet. I was the stubborn one."

"It was because of me, all of it. It's beacuse you're making efforts to be close with me." Nine's voice raised.

"P' Nine, it was my own decision to do all of those." Chen replied softly.

Nine sat so did Chen.

"Fine, we're both at fault. Happy?" Nine grumpily ended it.

Chen smiled at him.

"P' you're so cute whenever you're angry." Chen's stare is really tender, you can see how he pour out his feelings through his eyes.

And, Nine can see it. He can see how Chen look at him like he's the most precious person in the world.

Who would not fall for him? Nine thought but he dismissed all of those thought.

"Just go to sleep before I dismember you."

"P' that is a scary way to say goodnight." Chen chuckled. Nine shook his head out of discomfort, he ignored the engineer and closed his eyes.

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