25: untitled

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Joong woke me up early today, he said he'll help me shower because I can't really move that much.

He's doing all the work inside my room, while all I'm just doing is sitting and eating right now.

I'm watcbing him clean my room. He's sweating already, I feel really bad.

"Are you finish, Phi?" He asked me. I gave him a nod.

He put down what he was carrying and went to me.

"Then are you ready to go and shower?" Honestly, I'm not ready thinking about him helping me take a bath, it makes my cheeks burn.

"Don't do anything stupid, I'm telling you." I warned him.

Even though we're comfortable enough to see each other naked-- i mean topless. I still feel shy.

I don't know why, I'm also scared that he might lost his control and become a hungry wolf again just like at the hospital before thinking about it makes me shiver.

"Come on, Phi. You know I respect you so much. I'm not like P'Pavel." He said while smiling.

Yeah right, I remember our first meet this kid was an arrogant punk but look at him now. He's the sweetest yet cheesy Engineer I met.

"Uh uh, let's go." I just told him.

I felt his hands touching my body, he carried me in bridal style as we went inside the bathroom. He actually prepared everything already.

There's also a mini-chair for me to sit. He helped me sit on it.

"Hands up." He said, surprisingly it's like my body has its own mind because I raised my hands up.

He took off my shirt.

"You know I can take them off, my hands aren't injured." I told him, he chuckled.

"Just making it easier for you, Phi. Put your foot on the other chair so it won't get soak." I followed what he said like I'm an obedient puppy.

He took the shower from the metal thing. Turned it on.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded.

I closed my eyes tightly when I felt the water running down my head to my body.

"AH! Cold!" I yelled.

Joong chuckled and brushed my hair.

"Joong! Do it quickly I'm going to die!" I yelled. Joong put some shampoo to my head then washed it.

When it's time for the soap I told him I can do it so he let me.

"I'll brush your back." He said I just gave him nod. And he started to brush it.

When I finished my upper part i struggled to soap my feet.

"Are you okay, Phi?" Joong finished at my back, so I had to be honest and ask for his help.

"Can't reach my feet." I told him using my puppy voice.

"Aw, here. Let me do it." He went to my feet and brushed it.

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