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It was a great morning, Pavel got up at 5 just to prepare breakfast. Lately, Doctor Dome is restless not only about work but he seems really off lately.

So Pavel decided to reject a project for a month so he can look for Dome closely. He still want Dome to go to Mr. Moon for check-up even though he already said he's okay.

In that way, Pavel's heart would be at ease.

When Pavel finished cooking he then went to his husband to wake him up.

"Tee Rak." He whispered to Dome's ears.

Dome is a light sleeper, he would wake in simple ways like this but he did not respond.

"Tee Rak?" Pavel called again while shaking him.

Just like the first attempt Dome did not woke up. Pavel tried to calm himself and keep shaking and calling Dome.

At the hundred attepmt Dome opened his eyes, he stared at Pavel for a moment before sitting.

"Hey, I called you so many timed but you were dead asleep." Pavel told him.

Dome shook his head and scartches his nape.

"Maybe I was too tired." Dome said without looking.

It was a lie. Pavel knew something is off, Dome is definitely stressing out about something.

"Okay, c'mon. Let's eat." Pavel softly said as he gave Dome a smooch to his forehead..

Dome nodded as a respond.

The breakfast was oddly silent unlike before maybe because Pavel knew something was up so he did not dare to tease his lover.

Time to time he would glance at him and normally Dome would always look back at him.

Until, Dome is already ready to go. Pavel offered that he would drive for him but Dome refused. It was clear as crystal that the Doctor wants to be alone.

The day was hard to bare since Pavel has nothing to do he was so bored until an idea popped up from his head.

He took his leather jacket and went to the garage.

"Baby, I missed you!" It was his motor, he did not use it for awhile since Pavel thought its more comfortable for Dome to ride a car because it has air conditioning.

When they go to work even if Pavel gets late he would always drive Dome to the hospital. His one and only priority.

Pavel had a mischievious idea and its about the newly wed. He went to Nine and Chen's house to bother them.

When he arrived he knocked on the door and the who opened it was Nine.

He was topless.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Nine blurted out.

Pavel smirks, "Woah~ having a good morning already?" He teased.

Chen then suddenly appeared out of no where pulling Nine inside and facing Pavel.

"What is it? Don't stare at my husband!" Chen warned.

"Hello~~ I am only attracted to my husband's body!" Pavel snapped back.

Chen sighed, he already had a clue why the hell Pavel suddenly went to them.

He let Pavel in while he went to bedroom and put some clothes on. Nine did the same.

After that they went back to the living room to entertain the guest.

"Spill it, Phi." Chen asked.

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