♬♩♪♩ Not an update ♩♪♩♬

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Hello, helloooooo~ This is really short note from me. 

If you guys liked this fanfic raise your hands! \^O^/

If not--- i don't know hehe
(__ _____")

I just want to promote my very first BL story--not a fanfic. It's titled Crimson Sin. It's not thai-theme BL, I will try my best to make it very realistic. It will tackle about the issues regarding gender in the Philippines because honestly filos are not yet open to this kind of topic. It will be also romantic type---I don't know yet what will happen because I'm really new to this kind of topic and I am used to hetero novels. We will see!

Once again thank you for all the vote and comments, i really appreciate them and I try to reply to your comments even if it's short remarks hehehe~ 

I hope I will see more reactions from you guys~ coz it makes me keep writing. I just miss reading comments from my works ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Read Crimson Sin while waiting for my updates here at Tamed Wolf, okay?

I just wanna ask, what do you think will happen next?

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