22: Misunderstanding

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Time fly so fast, today is the last day of Nine being a mentor for the pageant because-- today, the pageant will happen at the stadium.

Nine became closer to Andy that they are glued to each other. And because of this Nine did not notice how Chen felt so lonely and distanced to him.

Chen did not sleep to Nine's place anymore. Nine thought it was because Chen was busy he did not realize that the lad was actually sulking.

"Why are you here? Not gonna support your med lover?" Earth asked Chen, they are sitting at the loud dining area.

"He has more time with that pageant than me. I hate that pageant, pageant here and there!" Chen whined.

"Aho, that's because you're not that important I understand P'Nine." Earth scoffed that made Chen glare at him.

"Oho, you're just envious because you don't have a lover-- admit it, you dwarf." Chen fought back.

Earth sticked his tongue out as a respond.

"But, by the way, have you caught the stalker yet?" Earth asked suddenly.

"Not yet, but later I will confront my prime suspect." Chen said while frowning.

"Woah, isn't it our beta? What happened? Why are you here?" Pavel asked as he smacked Chen's head as a greet.

"Pavel! Do you want a piece of me?" Chen hissed.

Pavel backed away with his hands in the air.

"Gosh, you're so hot headed. Where is your honorifics?" Pavel asked.

"P' our beta here is sulking, his lover has no time for him." Earth said while gawking at Chen.

"I kind of understand, sometimes teerak has no time for me too. But he'll make it up with a sexy night with me." Pavel winked, Earth and Chen gave him a disgusted look.

"You should know when to shut up, Phi." Earth said as he walk away.

"Aw? Where are you going, you punk?" Pavel yelled.

"Away from a pervert and disgusting senior like you!" Earth yelled back as he ran away.

"Such a disrespectful brat." Pavel mumbled.

"Phi, I don't understand. A simple "goodnight" or "how was your day" he can't even do it. P'Nine does not even check on me. I feel so hurt." Chen suddenly opened up.

Pavel turned to serious mode in no time.

"When one of you sulks what do you guys do?" Pavel asked.

"P'Nine don't sulk but I do, when he makes move like kissing me--we're going to be okay already." Chen answered softly, being shy to the senior.

"You guys don't talk about it? How is he going to understand what you feel if the moment he makes a "shut up" move to you, you just give in? Are you kidding me? You should be the alpha in this relationship!" Pavel scolds.

"B-but-- I'm scared that I will make him feel offended." Chen uttered.

"So if he wants to bottom you, you're just gonna be.. 'oh okay P'Nine fuck me'?" Pavel sarcastically asked.

"I-I think so?" Chen confusely answered, Pavel brushed his palm to his face.

"Gosh, you're so whipped. Listen here okay? It does not matter what's your position in terms of your sexy time. I was just joking when I said you should be the alpha of this relationship. The truth is the both of you must handle your relationship no one should lead alone." Pavel preached.

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