1-Leave Me!

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No worries for the sequel is completed with about 30 chapters.

"Daddy go! Leave me! She has a tracker in me! You need to go alone!"
My 5 year old daughter started up at me with tears running down from her fogged covered eyes urging me to go without her. If her mother found me, she would kill me. Without hesitation. She put a tracker in our little girl and if someone tries to take it out. It will release poison killing her instantly. But I refused to leave her. "Daddy leave me here!" She pleaded "NO!"  I flung the girls backpack filled with toys and other comfort items over my shoulder. She's wrapped up in a blanket and I'm holding her protectively to my chest. "Please." She quietly cried into my chest. I could feel the cold winter wind slapping against my cheeks and making my black hair fly behind me. I felt her grip loosen as she wiped her tears and looked at me. I hated seeing her cry. "I guess we'll do this the painful way..." I looked down in horror. I was about to erase her quirk but it was too late...



That's all I felt, betrayal and hatred for the small child in my arms. Then a growing fear for the woman tracking us. "I'm sorry, daddy," I dropped the kid not caring if she was hurt or not and ran. Ran without looking back.
The last thing I hear is my daughter telling me she loves me.

this chapter is just a flash back so it will officially start tomorrow

Edit: I'm ran out of fanfics for the moment so I'm reading this like
What have I done?

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