8- Mei Hatsume

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Toneless POV

I snuck out of the window in my room as I threw on a pair of black boots.

I wandered down the streets before I was in front of UA.

Gripping my bag, I walked around the school walls grazing the big gates with my fingertips so I could tell when I was behind it. I climbed over the big walls carefully

I memorized every class room from trying to find the Support Class the first day I met her.

Fortunately it was on the first floor I felt every window sill on that floor till I felt one with a bunch of bumps I put their earlier. I cracked the window open and I heard talking. Quickly hiding under the window as I listened for the coast to clear.

"Well I'm gonna head home Hatsume, just make sure the door is locked before you leave."

I heard two voices, Mei's and a man's who I'm guessing is her teachers.

"Sure thing....."

Why does her voice sound sad? She's never sad! I SWEAR ILL KILL WHOEVER MADE HER SAD!

Ones I made sure the door closed I crawled through the window.

"Mei? You there?"


I heard two footsteps and then I was on the ground being tackled into a hug.

"Your alive!"

"Of course I'm alive why wouldn't I be?"

I sat there curious.

"When the league attacked they said that you were dead!"

"Oh of course they would think I was dead! I cut the tracker out of my leg."

"How?! It would have released poison!"

"I'll tell you about it later but right now I need a favor,"

I could hear her stand up and jump around.

"Of course! Anything for my bestest bestest BESTEST friend in the whole wide world!"

I giggle at her enthusiasm and stood up before she lead me to a seat by her desk.

"So what where you thinking?"

She asked eagerly.

I put my elbows on the desk and rested my chin in my hands.

"I need two devices that can text back and forth to each other."

"Sooooo a phone?"

"No no no, like... they can only text to that one device. They can't add any other number."

"Hm... So like, a walkie-talkie but there is only one station and the people using these babies are the only ones who can be on this station... and instead of talking it's texting?"

"Yup pretty much."

"Got it! When do you need it?"


"Tomorrow?! If it's done by tomorrow then I will only have time to make it work at least 3 miles apart. So if you separate these anymore than 3 miles they won't work."

"That's fine, 3 miles is all I need."

I say the last part slowly for dramatic affect because the black cloak and combat boots aren't dramatic enough.

"Okie dokie!"

"Well I'm gonna head out, good luck Mei!"

"You too y/n make it home safely."

I nod and go out the window.

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