12- Where Were You

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A week has passed, everyday Stain has brought villain after villain for y/n to fight.

They would leave with broken bones with scrapes and bruises.

Some got a little too rough and planned on killing y/n. Those individuals got killed faster than they could say there own names.

Of course y/n only relied on her hearing to take them down, and take them down she did.

Bakugo texted her every ones in a while before giving up and trying to survive his third day without food for he had run out a few days prior.

Y/n has forgotten about Bakugo until Stain has asked her what she has been up to for the past few months.

She decided it was time to leave and promised Stain to come back some day as she packed her stuff.

But Stain didn't let her leave unless she let him pack her a lunch.


I still had sweat coming down my face from earlier today fighting a bunch of villains at once.

I waved bye to Stain before walking out the door and across the street to my own home.

Unlocking the door I put my shoes in a bin before locking the door again.


Silence. I listened closer and could hear someone uneasily exhale before inhaling, repeating.

Then it dawned on me. I haven't exactly given him a enough food to last a week.

I walked over the couch and dropped the bag somewhere before I heard the bag being slowly opened.

Something was ripped out of the bag before he sighed in relief.

It was quite for a few moments.

"Where the fuck were you? It couldn't have taken that long to kill the fucking league."

"Oh ya, I lied about going to the league. I caught up with my old sensei and done some training."

I heard shuffling.

"So... no one was killed?"

"Well I never said that," I mumbled thinking about the villains who got a little too rough for Stainy's liking.

I stood up and walked to my room but was stopped by a stiff and on my shoulder.

"It doesn't matter that you trained. You're still that week villain who couldn't even kidnap someone without the help of others."

Slowly, I brought my hand up to his wrist and lightly drew circles on it.

"What the league did was beyond foolish. The heroes knew exactly who had you. All they had to do was find their base."

I heard him grunt before tightening his grip.

"They know your name idiot."

"Ah, yes but they don't know my real name, also I'm sorta knew to the villain world."

"I'm sure they could figure it out."

I could hear the smirk through his voice.

A ghost of a smile showed on my face before I replied.

"Not likely, as far as the hero's are concerned, I'm dead. You and my sensei are the only ones who know I'm alive. So I don't think they will connect the dots anytime soon."

I could tell he was taken back by this new information because the hand slowly left my shoulder.

"What do you mean they thing your dead?"

I walked away putting my hands in my pocket.

"No one is actually dead until they find a body. Remember that."

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now