20- Fire

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Bakugo POV

Toneless arrived a wile later with a bunch of soaking wet food.

"Hey, can you use your quirk to dry these off?"

I sighed as I stood up and took the plastic bags from her.

"What did you buy?" I looked through all the cans pulling the out one by one.

"I don't know. Got all the cans I could and ran. Eventually found some plastic bags so I could have my hands free."

I frowned and looked at her.

"You stole these?!"


She took both of the plastic bags from me and climbed up the branches again.

I brought the cans into the cave and began to dry them off then put them inside a little divot I found in the wall.

Soon Toneless fell through the water ceiling with the bags filled with what looks like logs.

"I wrapped the logs in the plastic bags so they wouldn't get so wet. Of course they got a little wet but mabey you can still light a fire."

She sat across from me as she handed me the bag.

I carefully unknotted the handles and took out the dark wooden logs and sticks.

I placed them in a tepee type shape and brought my hands down to the pile.

I emitted a few sparks before a small orange flame danced on one of the sticks.

I smirked as I looked up at Toneless.

She was looking down like she was thinking about something but the sound of the flickering fire made her head shoot up as she scooted closer to the fire attempting to dry her clothes a bit.

"Are you hungry?"

She nodded a bit so I stood up and took a can of beans off of the make shift shelf.

Since I didn't have enough sticks to cook the can over the fire, I used my explosions.

I gave her the can as I sat by the fire. She started to eat as I brought my attention to the amber flames.

The bright flames licked up at the sky. The smoke lifted to the sky creating an illusion to the scenery behind it.


I looked up at the girl to see her raising the can above her head.

I stood up and took it muttering a "thanks" under my breath.

The air started to get cooler which probably meant it was dark out.

I started eating the beans as I saw Toneless move out of the corner of my eye.

She pulled her legs up close as she started to tremble as the cold traveled to her still wet clothes.

I looked down at the can in my hand then to the girl. I sighed as I abandoned the still half full can of beans.

I swiped the blanket off of the bed and draped it over her shoulders.

She gasped from the sudden weight and I sat next to her as I wrapped my arms around her small waist protectively.

I felt her body relax as she laid her shoulder against me. As her breathing became slow and even I rested my head on hers and waited for dawn.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now