17- The Past

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Bakugo POV

"I'm not going to tell you everything because I have to keep my identity safe."

I nodded with a "mhm" as I continued to do the dishes. Toneless sat on the counter fiddling with the hem of her sweatshirt.

"I was born into the league. I wasn't the only one, but the others were brought into the hideout. Not as members but as a tool. I wasn't just there longer than the other tools, but I was also the strongest. Only at the age of four, when my quirk just started to appear. I brought my enemies down and killed some of them without moving a muscle. But I would become extremely tired.

I found this place after wandering the streets for who knows how long. But I guess to answer the main question, I had to give up something important to me. Just so I knew it was safe."

I stayed silent as I put away the last of the dishes as I turned to the girl.

"Do you know a girl named y/n?"

Now it was Toneless's turn to stay silent.

"Yes, she was a quiet girl. Loved her father dearly."

I thought back to the pictures and knew that was true.

"What did Stain mean?" She asked.

Oh ya.... almost forgot about that.

"What was the important thing you had to give up?"

"Not telling"

"Did Stain know about it?"

"Not tel- ya why?"

"Well I originally thought it was something else but.. if this 'important thing' is a person, that might be what he was talking about."

Her fidgeting stopped and she looked down.

"It's a person. Isn't it?"

She just nodded.

"Is is a boyfriend?"

"no." She wispered.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"A friend?"



This time she stayed silent. She rubbed at her blindfold as she hopped off the counter.

"Even though I would love to not bring him into this. I know I need him to stop the league."

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now