33- A New Friend

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A knock was heard from the door. It must be Katsuki cause he always picks me up before school.

I live in a house with my dad but since he's a teacher and a pro hero he isn't at home very often.

I swung the door open and my perdition was right. I took Katsuki's hand and spun him around.

"What are you-"


I pointed to some random objects in my line of sight.

"That's a tree, that's a flower, that's grass, and that's the sun!"

"Uh.. ya your right. Wait are your eyes e/c?"

I turned to see him looking at me instead of the objects I pointed out.

"Is that their color?"

"C-can you see?"

"Well, it's all in black and white but I can-"

"You can see! We have to find Aizawa-Sensei!"

He dragged me all the way to school and didn't stop till we were in front of Dad's desk.


"Ya? What's wrong?"

"Look at her eyes!"

Dad cane up to me and took my face in his hands as he inspected my eyes.

"Are they. E/c?"

His eyes widened as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"Can you see?"

I nodded my head as I hugged my dad.
He slowly hugged me back.

"Since when?"

"Yesterday, after Bakugo dropped me off,"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bakugo's face go slightly darker. It was hard to tell since I can't see the color but it was there. He must be blushing.

"What's going on?"

I turned to see some people from class but I can't tell who until I hear their voice.

"Nothing, head to your seats everyone y/n just chill behind the desk."

Just as he finished talking All Might walked through the door. He explained that they were going to be training at ground Beta so they all went to change into their hero costumes.

As everyone left I slumped against the wall where my dad was sat and turned to him.

"Turn around,"

He raised an eyebrow in confusion but did as told.

I unwrapped his scarf from his neck and rewrapped it around mine.

"What are you doing?"

I combed his hair with my fingers before splitting it in three parts and started to braid it.

"You remember how to do that?"

"I can't do fishtail, French braid, or anything else fancy like that anymore. Just the simple traditional."

I was about half was done when a tired looking boy with blown back hair walked in.

"Who are you?" He glared at me.

"This is y/n, my daughter."

His gaze softened a bit as he came over and sat next to us.

"I'm Shinso, from general studies,"

"It's nice to meet you," I said smiling softly.

"So he lets you braid his hair hu?"

I chuckled a bit glancing up at him.

"Daughter perks,"
He smirked at me before turning his attention to dad.

"Where's the class, Aizawa?"

"Training with All Might."

I finished the braid so I held out my hand as dad took the hair tie off of his wrist and handed it to me.

"Why aren't you with the class y/n?"

"I'm just here so the hero's can keep an eye on me so I decided to stay here and braid dad's hair,"

"Hm, did he teach you to braid?"

"He taught me this one. Someone else taught me a few others but I can't remember how to do them."

I can't tell him Stainy taught me because I don't think he knows about my past.

"So what's your quirk?" He asked me.

"Well, I guess you can say it's kind of like a villains. I can control people's emotions, I mostly use fear since it causes mental harm. I have, however, accidentally killed someone by literally scaring them to death."

"Really? I have a villains quirk too. I can mind control anyone if they answer me."

"Really! That's so cool!"

"You think so?"

"Ya! That can be so useful for heros!"


I didn't need much time to think because for me, it was pretty obvious.

"You can see if villains are guilty or not!
Maybe you could have villains turn themselves in!"

"Well I never thought about it much like that.."

I only knew this boy for 10 minutes and I can already tell we are going to be friends.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now