10- Gift

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Your POV

I froze.

Fingers barley grazing the door knob.


I stayed in the same position before speaking.


I heard a grunt then some shifting behind me.

"Ya? Who else?"

I pulled my hand away from the door and sighed in relief.

"Now are you going to tell me where your going, or are you going to continue to just stare at the wall like an idiot?"

I quickly recovered after that comment putting my coat back on the hook after the fifth time trying because I kept missing.

"I'm not going anywhere,"

I said as I locked the door.

"Oh, ya. I was going to tell you. The doors were unlocked last night."

His voice was groggy like he woke up not too long ago

I slowly walked to the couch and sat with a soft 'plop'.

"Uh ya. I saw that."

After Lunch~

I got up off the floor after eating lunch (that Bakugo made of course)
on the coffee table.

I wandered back to the coat rack and slid on my black jacket and black combat boots.

"Now where are you going?"

"A mission,"

I answered bluntly.

"Fucking details woman!"

"I'm going to plot a plan on how to kill the LOV but of course you don't need to worry about that."

I stated calmly putting my hand on Bakugo's back.

"Now be a good boy and stay put,"

"Tch, like the hell I am!"

I frowned and shoved him into the wall my mouth near his ear.

"Listen. I'm going to go get you a little present from a friend. I'll be right back."

I let him go and pretty much flew through the door before locking it.

1 hour later~

I came back with a bag of groceries and the devices.

One was a brilliant red and the other was a shiny black.

I slipped my black device into my back pocket as the other device was gently wrapped in an orange wrapping paper with a white bow.

I had Mei wrap it though because I don't know how.

I unlocked the door expecting some yelling but I was left with silence.

I then heard some soft snores coming from the living room.

Walking to the couch, I left the gift on the coffee table with a note.

I turned to the kitchen and put the bag on the counter before leaving the small house ones again.

Bakugo POV

The sound of a door closing woke me up. 

I sat up and looked around till I saw a small orange gift sitting on the coffee table with a note.

Dear Bakugo,

    I will be gone for a few days to take care of some things. You can roam free in the house but just don't go in the computer room, my office, or bedroom.

    I left the gift I promised. It's called a Tekisuto. I also left some groceries on the counter, that's all you get for who knows how long so use it wisely!

Well, see you in a few days!

-Toneless xx

I folded the note and placed it in my back pocket, blushing slightly.

I took the gift in my hand and examined it before ripping it open.

Inside there was an old fashioned phone shaped thing that is a ruby red color.

I quickly flipped it open to see only one contact. I searched to see if there was anyway to add a contact but it looked like you couldn't.

I groaned and lightly threw the Tekisuto onto the coach cushion and put my head down so I was laying on the arm rest.

I was just going to rest my eyes a bit, as I was still sleepy, before putting the groceries away but ended up in a deep sleep.

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