21- We Cant Stay

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3rd Person

Bakugo did eventually fall asleep slowly tilting towards y/n and they laid on the hard, stone floors of the cave.

y/n turned around facing Bakugo and nuzzled into his chest and Bakugo tightened his arms around her in their sleep.

They tangled their legs together trying to get as close as possible, needing the body heat.

I felt arms around me and my hands were on a chest. I slowly removed my hands and untalented our legs as I got out of the loose grip on my waist.

Thankfully my clothes were dry. I brought my hand up to my face and felt the familiar blindfold caressing my face.

I stumbled around the cave and walked to the bed and realized that the blanket has been lost. Probably still on the floor.

I found my Tekisuto and clicked the big button on top.

"You have no new messages would you like to send one?"


"Ok who what do want to talk to?"


"Texting: Mei Hatsume. What would you like to say?"

"Hey I can't stay here the water makes the nights too cold, especially since I have to go on the main surface to steel food. I get wet."


"Message sent."

I dropped it to the soft mattress and turned to Bakugo.

I gently shook his shoulder until he woke up.

"Fuck off," He mumbled, sleep still present in his voice.

"Wake up. We're relocating."

He groaned as he stood up and I took my bag dropping the Tekisuto in there as well.

I walked out of the cave and told Bakugo to follow me.

I climbed in the branches I knew by heart and reached up to touch the water. I climbed a little bit higher till I was completely in the water and swam up to the surface.

I took a big breath when I broke the surface as it took a lot of energy to only use one arm as the other one was holding my bag.

"Now fucking what?"

I heard the familiar gruff voice behind me sigh.

"To be honest. I have no idea."

We sat in silence for a bit as we tried to dry ourselves, but since Bakugo's hands are wet he can't emit explosions.

"You said you were looking for Aizawa right?"

"Ya? What's it to you?"

"Tch. I was just fucking wondering why we couldn't just show up."

"I don't think he would want to see me. That's why I let you go."

More silence, I felt a strong hand clamp onto my shoulder.

"You were friends with his daughter right? Then why wouldn't he want to see you?"

"I don't know. Bad memories? I guess. I would probably just remind him of his wife. He moved on anyway, he's a hero now. Not some low life villain."

"Your not a low life. Also, I can tell you he hasn't fucking moved on. A few days before the USJ incident, Aizawa told me about y/n, her quirk, how it changes others emotions and all that stuff."

"Ya, that quirk got her places but let's leave it at that."

I took his hand and led him out of the forest.

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