6- Toneless

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Bakugou POV

I woke up in a bed with a surprisingly soft mattress. I looked at up to the dimmed light before rolling over onto my stomach.

Again, a surprise. I wasn't tied down to the bed or anything, I felt fine too. I did have a sore spot in my arm but I don't think anything of it because I mean..... I have been kidnapped twice in one day.

I walked over to the door and took hold of the door knob. Locked. I really didn't think it would be unlocked but it isn't a problem. Whoever kidnapped me must have been a real dumbass if they don't even know my quirk.

I put my palms by the door knob and.... nothing. Confused, I put my hand by the door again and.... nothing.

Well this place is kinda old I wonder if I could just kick it down...

"SHIT!" Nope not happening. I sat on the edge of the bed rubbing my foot. And decided to wait it out.

*who knows how long later*

I ended up falling asleep. I woke up when I heard the door crack open but I kept my eyes shut.

"Get up,"

The voice was feminine and demanding. But I didn't move because I'm a stubborn fuck.

I felt something sharp touch the base of my throat. I smirked but still kept my eyes closed.

"You can't kill me,"

"And why not?"

"You kidnapped me, right? Which means you need me for something."

"Wrong actually."

Ok THATS when I opened my eyes.

"The more I kill the better. But of course, i can't kill you for no reason. No, no, no. But if you piss me off, I'll cut off your fingers before I kill you. C'ause your dying sooner or later."

She pulled me off the bed so I was standing before putting her knife away.

I was at least a head or two taller than her so I could probably take her. But I'm also probably underestimating her.

She took me to a room that was completely white from floor to ceiling. There was cameras and computers hooked up around a silver chair. There was another chair opposite side of the cameras but they were close to each other.

She sat me down in the one with the cameras facing it. She sat in the other one and started working with the cables connected to the computer.

I realized that she still had the blindfold on and she was using the Braille on the cameras.

(Braille- system of raised dots that is read by fingers.)

"Why don't you just take off your fucking blindfold?"

"That's none of your goddamn businesses."

It was silent for a moment before the computer hummed to life.

"I'll hand you notes and I want you to be reading them out loud. I hacked into the security cameras and TVs in the lunchroom at your school, so it'll be like we're FaceTiming your peers and teachers."

I nodded as she pulled out a bunch of note cards and a pencil.

She scribbled something down on the note page before handing it to me.

"How the fuck can you write with a blindfold on?"

"Practice. It won't look neat though but your a big boy so I think that you can deal. Oh also, she pulled something from a secret compartment on her costume. She took my arm and was about to inject something into me.


"Giving you your quirk back........"

She said it as if it was the most obvious things in the world.

"I'll do it!"

I snatched the syringe from her arm and stabbed it into my arm.

If anyone was going to inject something into Bakugou , it was going to be himself.

So if it turned out to be something bad, he would have no one to blame but himself.

"Well that was easier than I thought it would be...."

I heard her mumble before she turned on the camera.

There was a noise signaling an emergency announcement.

I could see the cafeteria in the computer screen and they were all looking at me.


"Deku....." I growled lowly before getting a pencil thrown at my head by the female in front of me.

"Ya well I got a fucking note that some shitty villain wanted me to tell you.

Their name is Toneless, and they have kidnapped me to get something they want, but of course you probably guessed that already. She wants a man who's name is Shota Aizaw- wait a fucking second THATS MY TEACHER YOU BASTER-"

the video cut off before I felt a burning sensation on my cheek.


I stood up knocking the chair behind me as I charged up my quirk, now fully recovered, and charged at... well I guess her name is Toneless.

Before I reached her I felt a wave of terror go through me and I fell to the floor gripping my hair trying to keep the nightmares away.

She snagged the nape of my neck and hauled me off to my room.

"Oh and by the way. If you destroy anything in here, I'm not replacing it. I don't need to waste my efforts on you."

She slammed the door and I heard her footsteps fade off into the distance.

I layed on my bed pouting about many things, not wanting to settle on just one.

Soon I was passed out on the soft mattress.

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