11- Girlie

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Your POV

I don't know what else to do.

But I know he will.

That's why I was going to see my uncle. He isn't my real uncle of course, he is like a father to me so I trust him.

I went up to his layer and nocked twice.

The door slowly crept open before I was abruptly pulled inside.

"Y/n...... your alive."

"Of course I'm alive."

"Well... I must admit you are a strong one Girlie. Stronger than I or your mother will ever be."

"Yes, about my mother. I hope the fact I'm alive will stay between us."

"Oh, of course darling,,"

I held out my hand and he took it before putting his other hand on top of mine.

"I look forward to working with you again Miss Aizawa."

"As do I, Stainy."

Bakugo POV

It was needless to say.

That I am bored.

I am currently sitting upside down on the couch while I tap my fingers on my leg.

It's a lot more boring when you don't have someone to piss off here.

Finally giving in, he picked up the Tekisuto and sent her a message.

Tch, why give me this if you aren't going to respond

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Tch, why give me this if you aren't going to respond.

Your POV

I fall to my knees exhausted.


He said for like the fifth time.


I looked up hopefully.

"No, you can fight with your quirk but you rely too much on it."

I sighed before slowly standing up.

"I've taught you to fight blindly, but perhaps you forgot your natural strength,"


"You have amazing hearing, use that to your advantage. Villains have to fight in the dark a lot. The only way to improve is to use hearing instead of sight. And that's exactly what we are going to do,"

I listed as the blackness that I am so, so used to faded to a picture in my head.

I can hear every breath, every step, every movement.

I quickly brought my arm up to shield my face and felt a strong arm come down on it as I kicked him in the stomach.

He got off of me and I grabbed his arm, twisting it and brought it over my head slamming him on the floor.

I could hear his raged breath and I put the heal of my foot on his windpipe.

Gripping onto my ankle he gasped out.

"Good work Girlie."


I said stepping off of him.

I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder.

"You have grown so much Girly."

"I know. But I still have to get stronger."

I bit my lip before continuing.

"And I hate to ask but, can I stay here for a bit?"

I felt the hand move to cup my cheek.

"Of course, Girlie. You are like a daughter to me, you can stay as long as you want."

I smiled and gave him a hug.

I've known him for my whole life, he helped me escape my mother and I will be forever grateful. He gave me the idea but he must be surprised that I actually went through with it when he found out I was alive.

He returned the hug stroking my hair before I pulled away.

"Well goodnight Stainy."

"Goodnight, Girlie,"

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now