19- Safe

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Bakugo POV

I tiredly opened my eyes when I realized how warm my side is.

I look to see Toneless with her arms wrapped around me and me left arm wrapped around her. Toneless's face was pressed against my bare side. I felt my face heat up so much it felt like it was burning. I was going to wake her up before I noticed that her blindfold fell off during the night.

I studied her calm and soft face that was always covered by the fabric. However long later, she finally started to stir.

She let go of me as she brought her arms out in front of her to stretch before dropping them dramatically onto the bed, keeping her eyes closed.



"Your blindfold is gone."

Her hand shot up to cover her eyes hiding the long eyelashes I was admiring only moments before. She started frantically searching with one hand as I stood up to help.

I saw the fabric on the floor and handed it to the girl. "Here, I found it."

She snatched it from my grasp and slid it over her head and adjusted it to the perfect fit.

I heard a small alarm as she groaned and dumped out her purse on the bed.

There was her wallet, chapstick, and the Tekisuto. She hit a button on the top that I noticed wasn't on mine.

"One new message from: Mei

Why does that name sound so familiar?

"Hey! I heard what happened, please tell me your alright!"

"What would you like to say?"

She thought for a moment before answering.

"Hey Mei! I'm alright, I wasn't home at the time so when I did get home I heard the Pros. I'm safe, for now so no need to worry!"

"Message sent."

"That's fucking fancy," I stated under my breath.

"Only the best for the queen."

I whipped my head up to see her lips in a tight smirk as she put the items back in the small bag.


I thought back to the name that sounds way to familiar.

"What's wrong? Your never quite, unless your thinking."

"What school does that girl you texted go to?"

She remained silent as she walked out of the cave.

"It doesn't really matter but she goes to UA. Support Class."

"I thought so. She sounded familiar."

Again, there was a pause as Toneless turned to me fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

"How did you find out y/n died?"

I sat on the bed again as I recalled the memory.

"We were attacked by the League of Villains. This woman who must be her mother, told Aizawa-sensei that she tried to take the tracker out of her leg. You know what tracker I mean?"

I nodded my head yes as I chewed on my bottom lip nervously.

"Well she must have fallen into the lake because that's were the tracker led them to."

She nodded her head.

"I'll be back." She announces before climbing up the dirt wall using tree branches and jumped into the floating water.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now