34- Unwanted Guest

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Katsuki and I were holding hands as we walked home before we were stopped by a familiar voice.

"Hey y/n,"

"Oh, hey Shinso!"

Katsuki grunted squeezing my hand tightly.

"You know this fucker?"

"Ya, I met him today when you guys were training with All Might,"

"You know, he lost to Deku in the sports festival," Bakugo informed me.

Shinso frowned as he walked besides me.

"No offense y/n, but I hate Midoryia,"

I chuckled a bit and turned to him.

"I do too. He threw my best friend in jail,"

He looked at me with slightly wide eyes and scowled.

"Well now I hate him even more, for hurting a sweet girl like you,"

"Fuck off Eyebags!"

"You friends with this oversized Pomerania too?"

"Tch, I'm her boyfriend Eyebags."

My stomach flipped a little at the word 'boyfriend'.

"Hey dumbass, we're here."

Sure enough, we were in front of my house.

"Oh, right! Bye Katsuki. Bye Shinso."

I opened the door to be met with yelling.

"Get your ass out of my house!"

I quickly closed the door and turned to the boys who were looking at me with wide eyes.

I put a finger over my mouth signaling them to be quiet.

We snuck behind the house to the back door and went in.

"She's my daughter. If I remember correctly you left when she was five."

I recognized that voice anywhere.

"I didn't leave! She forced me to go, I had no say!"

"You could have erased her quirk but you didn't."

I bit my lip as the bad memories played in my head. As I looked to the boys.

Shinso was confused but Katsuki was angry. Really angry.

I looked around the corner to see my mom and dad standing three feat apart, dads hair still in the braid.

"As you know, the LOV kills people who escape our grounds. We decided to let you go because knowing your daughter was still with us would be the worst punishment you could have."

"What are you getting at?"

"Y/n has also escaped. And killing her would put you in even more grief than staying away from her-"

Katsuki flew out from behind me as he knocked mom down to the ground.

"Don't even think about touching y/n,"


"What are you three doing here!" Dad yelled surprised.

Bakugo was thrown back to us as mom stood up and grinned.

"I'll be back, soon." She claimed as a wrap gate appeared behind her.

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