15- Gone

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Bakugo POV

Toneless didn't come home last night but it wasn't a problem. Alright I will admit, I didn't sleep. I took an apple from the fridge but before I could even take a bite the door swung open.

Coming through the door was a soaking wet girl shivering like crazy and tears stained her s/c cheeks
(S/C skin color)

I put my apple down and walked over to her. Taking the key from her hand I shut and locked the door before turning around and getting a blanket from the couch.

I wrapped it around her shoulders but it did little help with her shivering. From the way she's breathing I can tell the coldness isn't the only reason she shaking.

I walked to her room and got some grey sweatpants and a black sweatshirt and put them on the bathroom sink as I pushed Toneless into the bathroom as well.

As she took her shower I walked over to the couch and turned on the TV. The news immediately turned on and Hosu was under attack.

"As you can see Hosu was under attack from whom people call 'The League of Villains' they showed up only a few minutes after the Hero Killer Stain was brought into police custody by the number two hero Endeavor. But the hero killer, was not alone. As he was being handcuffed, a girl with a blindfold whom he called 'Girlie' was also at the scene. Stain told the young girl to run so they are currently still looking for her."

"Shit," I muttered.

I turned off the TV as I heard light footsteps coming my way.

I looked up to see the small girl with her blindfold still on looking into space with damp hair and a blanket around her shoulders.

I pulled her down onto my lap as she curled into a ball slightly shaking as she gripped onto my shirt.

I rubbed circles onto her back as I listened to her breathing. It was still shakey but it was slowly getting better.

Why am I comforting her?

She fucking kidnapped me!

But I still feel bad..

And I don't like seeing her like this.

And I want to see her beau- no! Bad brain!

As I was lost in thought I was a little late to notice that the girl in my arms has fallen asleep.

I layed us down on the couch, securing my arms around her so she wouldn't fall off. I soon drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now