4- Y/N

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Aizawa POV

I walked into the main room holding a sleeping bag and a child's princess backpack and sat on the couch next to Bakugo.

My apartment assent very big, just a living room that connects to a kitchen, 2 bedrooms, and a bathroom.

I put the sleeping bag on the floor and the backpack on my lap. Unzipping the bag I pulled out a (f/c) folder with a sticker with a name on it, and handed it to Bakugo.

He furrowed his brows as he glared at the cover also filled with other childish stickers.


"That's her name."

He slowly opened it, confused of why I was showing him this.

He took out a drawing of a man with long, black hair and a little girl with
(h/l), (h/c) hair.

"Is this you and y/n?"

"Ya, she drew it the night before I lost her."

"Lost her?"

I told Bakugou about my old life, how my wife was a villain and abused y/n to try and make a villain out of her. How she also abused me and would kill me if we ever saw each other again. Also about the night we tried to run away. How she made me leave without her.

"What's her quirk?"

"She has an emotion manipulation quirk. She can make you feel any emotion you can think of. The drawbacks are if she uses them too much she starts to feel emotionless, then very emotional and after that she passes out."

"Is that all the drawbacks?"

"No, her physical appearance sometimes changes. Depending on which emotion she's feeling. When she's sad the tips of her hair turn dark blue, when she's angry her (e/c) eyes turn black. If she was scared, she would loose her hearing. If she feels all of these at once someone needs to calm her down or she might loose her memories for a few days.

If she was in grief because someone really important to her died, she would freeze. It would take some other strong emotion for her to unfreeze.

The one that worries me is- actually never mind."

"What would it look like if she was happy?"

"I- I don't know. I've never saw her be truly happy."

He just nodded.

I picked up the sleeping bag from the floor and put it on my lap. It was a little bigger than the yellow sleeping bag I bring to school because it was supposed to hold an adult and a child.

This sleeping bag was originally royal blue but years of sleeping in the dirt and dragging it against the ground turned it more into a navy blue. I reached into the backpack next to Bakugo and pulled out a light brown bear.

 I reached into the backpack next to Bakugo and pulled out a light brown bear

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It was dirty and had some blood stains on it. I put it into the sleeping bag but so the head was still sticking out.

"She was a fighter that one.... Well you better get home, I don't want your parents to worry."

"Ya, whatever."

"And don't forget about the field trip I told your class about last week."

I reminded him before he shut the door.

I sat in the deafening silence of my apartment as I picked up the folder. A picture collage of me and y/n was taken out of it, he must have been looking at it while I was talking about her quirk.

The collage consisted of 3 photos. In one, y/n was braiding my hair while I was deep in thought. The second one had us cuddled against each other in our sleeping bag. Y/n was fast asleep nuzzled into my chest with her teddy bear trapped with the death grip she had on it. The last was a family picture but my wife, Sakura, has her head torn out of the picture.

I sadly smiled to myself as I nuzzled into my sleeping bag. I put the picture next to me and drifted off to sleep.

Today was the first night without nightmares.

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