18- Into the Woods

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Bakugo POV

"We're going out tonight."

She chucked black ripped jeans and a hoodie at me.

"Put this on." She skipped off to her room to change.

I slumped over to my room so I could put on the borrowed clothes. Are we actually going outside? Or is she going to make me go back to UA?

I shrugged as I finished getting ready as I put on some black tennis shoes.

Going over to the door I see the jumpy girl fiddling with the keys.

She was wearing black jeans with a matching tank top and a leather jacket with combat boots but to top it all off she had her signature blindfold.

"Why black?"

"We want to blend in a bit and try not to pull attention to ourselves."

Her blindfold is almost begging for attention but I ignored it.

"Also, put your hood up. Your hair is kind of easy to recognize."

I did as she said and she took my wrist, dragging me out the door before it was locked.

"Ok, your first day out of the house! You pick where we go."

I smirked and pulled her over to a ramen place.

It was kinda dark but they had the streetlights to illuminate their path.

"Spicy Ramen," I mumbled.

"Oh, I know that place!"

I pulled her over to a booth as a waiter brought us water.

"What can I get you?"

"I'll get a number 7," I state proudly. It's the spiciest ramen on the menu.

"I'll get the same thing,"

I frowned over at the girl. Doesn't she know her mouth is going to burn off? This will be funny.

When the bowl was brought to her, she picked up her chopsticks and ate almost the entire bowl.

"What the fuck?"


"You like spicy food?"


"Well I'll be dammed." I mumbled.

I 'Tch' and picked up my own chopsticks and also started eating.

We finished our ramen and left for home.

We stopped about a block away when i noticed hero's surrounding the small rundown house.

"Toneless over here," I whispered into her ear.

I took her wrist and brought her over to the house next to it. We used it as a shield as we listened.

"Eraserhead! We can't find Bakugo, but he was definitely here!"

"Who's Eraserhead?"

I bent down so she could here me better as I explained the hero and the others I could tell by their voices.

"We did find this in the captors room. It's a picture of you and a little girl with h/c hair"

I heard an intake of breath and it wasn't from the heroine behind me, it was from the villain beside me.

Why would she have a picture of Aizawa and y/n?

They might have been close friends or something.

"The captor should be female by the clothes, probably 15-16."

Toneless took my hand and brought me into the woods. It was amazing how well she could see with the blindfold. Gliding through the crowded trees in the dark before we entered an open clearing.

"Do you see the lake?"


She took my hand in hers and held on tight.

"I need you to lead me to it,"


"Just do it! And make sure it's the center."

I lead her to the center of the lake after checking three times to make sure it was, in fact, the center.

"Now what?"

"Now, you have to trust me,"

"Ok, I trust you."

She went behind me and pushed me to the edge of the lake before securing her arms around my abdomen.

Next thing I knew we were in the lake, sinking to the bottom. I tried to get out of her grip but she was too strong, and with my hands wet my quirk is no help either.

When I thought we would have hit the bottom we started falling.

She let go and landed on her feet as I was on my back.

"Where the fuck are we?" I groaned sitting up.

"One of the tools from the league and I were friends, we snuck out one night and she made this place with her quirk, elements.

One of her drawbacks is that what ever she makes, it won't go back to how it was. She was exiled when they caught us. But this place still stands."

She smiled a bit before saying something.

"Of course Akita, I wouldn't forget this place." She mumbled.

"Who the fuck you talking too?"

Her head snapped up like she forgot I was here as she shook her head.

"No one, let's go."

I frowned down at my soaking wet clothes before following her.

We walked over to a nice cave like cabin. She walked inside and I saw a bed and a bunch of paper and crayons. There were also some pictures pinned up on the wall.

"No one will find us for a while."

Toneless walked over to the bed and plopped down making the bed slightly damp in the process.

"I'm so tired."

I crossed my arms and looked over the drawings.

There where some that looked like a family picture. Some random scribbles and animals. Normal kid stuff.

I looked over to Toneless lying on the bed. She looked like she was sleeping but it's hard to tell with the blindfold.

I reached to take it off but I brought my hand back. I should respect her privacy.

I put her under the blankets after I took off her shoes. I decided to also get some shut eye but I realized that this was the only bed.

I groaned as I kicked off my shoes and threw my top on the floor. I layed as far away from her as possible and soon entered a deep sleep.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now