14- Hosu

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Your POV

Stain has left for Hosu earlier today so I put on my villain costume and was about to head out before a familiar voice stopped me.

"And where the fuck are you going?"

"Hosu. Duh,"

"I thought this 'Hero Killer' of yours told you not to."

I sighed slightly annoyed with all these questions but tried to hide it.

"Stain stayed with me when my dad ran away. And he is more like a parent than my mom will ever be. I just want to make sure he's safe."

I didn't give him a chance to answer as I was already out the door.

In Hosu~

I was wandering the through the alleys until I heard someone talking.

It been a good 6 hours since Stain has arrived in Hosu.

"Great job Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida. You have taken down The Hero Killer Stain. Although you have broken the law, we will let it slide. But the number two hero Endeavor will take credit."

I felt my heart drop.

Stainy was gone?



It was that Midoriya kid.

"Uh, excuse me who are you?"

I wip my head around to the sound.

"W-who are you?"

"I'm a police officer. I can help you after I get this guy into my ca- oh shit he's waking up."

I heard some more footsteps running up to me as I heard a tired voice.



Only one person calls me that.

"Hey kid, do you know this man?" I ignored the officer as I tried to listen to Stain.

"Hey! Girlie! I told you to stay home! Go! The league is here! They can't know your alive! Go home!"

So I did what only a coward would do.

I ran.

"Hey get back here!"

"No please! They'll kill her!

I continued to run until I was gasping for breath and my legs screamed for me to stop.

I sat in a corner of some alleyway as I curled into a tight ball.

I took off my blindfold and threw it onto the ground.

I let loose the tears I have been holding back as I hugged my knees and tried to take a breather.

I felt a tingling sensation on my scalp but it slowly disappeared and I could tell the tips of my hair was a striking shade of dark blue.

It started to rain but I didn't care.

I could here sirens in the distant, no doubt looking for me, but I stayed put trying to make myself as small as possible.

I now lost two people important to me. Because I wasn't strong enough to help. I was just a coward, always running and letting my emotions get the best of me.

What would mom say?

What would she say if she knew I was alive?

I already knew the answer to that one. Nothing, she would kill me without hesitation.

Now I have no one to lead me, and no one to give my trust to. I was completely alone, again.

It's safe to say I didn't go home that night.

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