7- Lets Chat

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Bakugo POV

"Get up."

I groaned and lifted my head from the fluffy pillow to glare at my female captor.

She left after glaring back but kept the door open.

I rolled off the bed and followed her into the living room where we took a seat on a brown leather couch.

"So Aizawa Shota is your teacher?"

I just grunted in a yes sort of way and slouching in my seat looking at her.

She faced the wall with her blindfold still on.

Does she ever take it off? She can easily walk around objects and can tell when people come into the room. Maybe her quirk is like a bird and they can see the stuff in front of her and behind her at the same time. Still doesn't really explain the blindfold because she can obviously see. Mabey it's just for looks. But why does she use Braille?

"But aren't all the teachers heros?"

"Of course stupid!"

Her blindfold wrinkled like she was mushing her eyebrows together and her mouth went to a soft frown.

"So Aizawa is a hero and your teacher? So did he-"

She cut herself off, her lip quivering ever so slightly.

She bit her lip to make it stop shaking and tried to regain her poker face.

"Alright that's all I need for now,"

She stated making her way to the kitchen.

"Hold on, it's my turn for the questions and you better have some fucking answers!"

I yelled jumping up.

"That's not how it works, I don't have to tell you shit."


I yelled jetting ready to punch her.

She spun around and caught my fist, and put me in an arm lock so if I moved my arm would definitely break.

She put her mouth so close to my ear that I could feel her breath.

I could feel my face heat up a bit as a slight shiver went through my body causing my arm to move slightly. I heard my elbow pop from being twisted weirdly.

"I. Don't owe you. Shit."

She stated calmly but slowly letting my arm go and kicking me in the gut.

"What the hell!"

She walked back to the kitchen opening the neatly organized Cupboards.

"What do you want to eat?"

"I don't care,"

I said pissed as I turned around.

Next thing I knew there was a knife sticking in the wall right next to my head. I turned back around to see her still facing the cupboard with a frown and her hand outstretched towards me.

"Pick something or you won't eat at all!"

I let out a Tch, still slightly shaken from what happened but didn't let it show. Looking what was in the cupboard I was slightly surprised to see my favorite curry there.

"Curry I guess."

I saw her bite her lip as her fingertips slightly grazed the edges of the cans.

"You're going to make it because I- uh, have something important I need to do."

She said while scurrying out of the kitchen.

Toneless POV

I know how to cook I just didn't know which stuff was the curry.

But I guess I didn't completely lie because I do have to talk to a friend of mine today.

Anyway I did have time to myself, thinking over what Bakugou told me.

Is he really a hero?

I don't think he would lie about that but still.

The question I was about to ask kept circling in my head.

Did he forget about me? Has he moved on? Do I not matter to him anymore?

Whatever that's not important right now.

I shook the bad thoughts from my head, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

But I will find you, one way or another.

I picked up the cracked picture frame from my bed stand.

Inside was a collage of different pictures.

The collage consisted of 3 photos. In one, I was braiding a man's long, black hair while he was deep in thought. The second one had us cuddled against each other in our sleeping bag. I was fast asleep nuzzled into the man's chest with my old teddy bear trapped in the death grip I had on it. The last one was a family picture, but my mom's head has been torn out of the picture.

"See you soon, dad."

I whispered quietly.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now