23- Katsuki

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Bakugo POV

Toneless fell asleep half way here so I put her on my bed as I went to the living room to watch tv. And maybe make a little something since I skipped dinner.


Time has passed and I was currently making some food when I heard footsteps carefully making their way down stairs, so I switched off the stove and made my way over.

"Hey, you only slept for a half hour what are you doing up?"

She jumped at the sound of my voice and wiped her head towards me.

"Hey, relax my parents are out on a business trip. They have been planning it for months so they couldn't cancel,"

She relaxed a little so I put my hand on her shoulder and brought her over to the table.

I sat her down and brought her some (f/f) as I leaned across from her.


"Katsuki. You can call me Katsuki,"

"Ok, Katsuki, how far away from UA are we?"

"I don't know. A few blocks?"

"Well it's far enough."

"Alright, now eat your dinner before it gets cold."

She quickly ate as I went to the living room.

I saw my backpack by the tv so I went over and took my phone out of the side pocket.

Toneless POV

I finished my food and wandered to what I'm guessing is the living room. My quirk sensed Bakugo and... Some kind of electronic.

It's too small to be the TV and he left his Tekisuto at the original house...

"K-Katsuki? What are you d-doing?"

"Oh, I'm just using my phone to check how long my parents are out. Relax pipsqueak, I'm not gonna call the heros or anything. You're so tense, loosen up a bit."

"I wasn't worried Jackass,"

He chuckled a bit before I heard a patting noise.

I assumed he wanted me to sit next to him, so I did exactly that.

"Still amazes me how you can see with that blindfold on." He mumbled.


"Your sight, is it your quirk or something?"

I wonder if dad told him about this part of my quirk. If he did my identity could possibly be in danger. But the thought didn't bother me much, what's the worst that could happen?



"I'm blind, dumbass."
Idk if I mentioned this or not but this will have 40 some chapters. Then probably a second book.

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