43- Beginning of the End

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Hey guys I'm now number #69 in readerxcharacter ☺️🤣


Katsuki and I walked through the big doors of class 1-A to all the chattering teenagers.

Katsuki gave me a quick kiss this time before going to his seat. I saw Kirishima give him a thumbs up as Kutski blushed in embarrassment and started yelling at him.

I laughed and went to my dads desk and sat in the spinning chair.

The bell rang as dad walked in slightly more rested than usual.

"Class, thank you all for your sacrifices and helping us with the League. Without your help we could have never caught them."

The class erupted into cheer.

"Hey, y/n was the one to come up with the plan on how to defeat Sakura!"

I blushed slightly and looked down.

"But what did you say before you told me the plan? Something like 'Stain that wise Bastard'"

Everyone was surprised that he cursed but I was just surprised he heard me.

Dad started laughing as he added in a comment. "I don't know about wise, but I've known him for many years and I can say that he is definitely a Bastard!"

I laughed with him before Mina stood up.

"We need to have a sleep over!"

Dad looked horrified "Not at my house I deal with you guys enough as it is!"

Momo raised her hand saying that she could host it.

Mina almost cried of joy saying 'thank you!' over and over again.

"Celebrating that we locked up the league!"

"W-well Sakura wasn't locked up. We watched her fall to her death," Midoriya added.

"Oh! That's right!"

I forced a smile as dad gave me the side eye, after all we both knew.

Someone isn't dead unless there's a body.

The End~

Sequel is announced in 'AN  Pt 2'!
(Sequel is Completed)

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