37- New Exercise

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Katsuki and I held hands walking to school like always. His parents can't be back anytime soon so he stayed the nights.

When we walked through the door Katsuki put his arm around my waist and led me to his seat where he pulled me onto his lap like the day before as I pulled out my Tekisuto and started talking to Mei so she could cure my boredom.

I didn't realize how quiet the class room has gotten. I looked up to see dad at the doorway starring at me and Bakugo along with the rest of the class.


"Are you sitting on Bakubro's lap?"

"Uh ya? I'm kinda stuck, he won't let me go."

Katsuki picked his head up from my shoulder and glared at everyone.

"Oh, Katsuki remind me to see Mei after school I haven't seen her since I got your Tekisuto,"


The bell rang so I stood up and walked to the front of the room and took a seat at the desk.

"Hey Aizawa, when are we going on the mission?"

"Whenever Sakura attacks. Everyone change out its time to train again,"

Everyone did as told and met at the field. All Might stepped forward with a bunch of heros behind him.

"Today you will be going up against heros, we will have weights on our wrists to make it fair. The teams are-"

Yup I zoned out. I didn't expect to be apart of this exercise so I didn't really care what the teams were.

"-y/n Aizawa, Katsuki Bakugo, and Izuku Midoryia will be against me,"

Oh shit.

"Wait, I'm training too?"

"Of course, we have to train for your mother,"

Ah right.

We all went to watch the battles on the tv screen and cheer on our classmates. Some were more interesting than others and soon enough it was our turn.

Katsuki, Midoryia, and I stood outside the gates waiting for them to open.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now