42- Waking Up

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I opened my eyes to see the familiar white walls of the infirmary.


I was doin in a tight embrace. I looked down to see the grayish spikes.

I signed running my fingers through his hair.

"How long was I out?"

"Three days."

"Three days!"

He nodded as he sat back in his chair and called recovery girl in.

She said I was free to go so Katsuki and I walked home where I was greeted with another hug from my dad. "I'm glad your ok,"

"Of course I am, gonna need more than that to take me down!"

He smiled and walked to the living room to watch tv as I pulled Katsuki up to my room.

I plopped onto my bed as Katsuki laid on the other side of me. I had trouble keeping my eyes open but I tried to hide it.

"Are you tired? You should sleep,"

"No in case you forgot I slept for three days,"

"That doesn't fucking matter, your injured and had a lot of medication, go to sleep."

Don't have to ask me twice. Oh wait he just did.

Bakugo POV

I played with her hair as she let off soft snores. It still bothers me that she was color blind. Not that I have a problem with color blind people, it just means she's still slightly depressed and I can't do anything about it.

I placed a kiss on the top of her head as I tucked us in and snuggled closer.

School has been called off for the past three days due to the villain attack, but it starts again tomorrow.

My parents are also coming home soon, I'm excited to see them again. Not that I would admit it out loud.

But I haven't seen them in about a month so I do miss them. Just a little though, their still old. And hags. Old hags.

I lightly smiled. They will like y/n. I know they will. Especially mom, she always wanted a little girl. I don't think I'm willing to share though.

I laughed as I pictured them meeting.

"Ya, I'm not sharing."
This book is ending next chapter so these chapters will be kinda short.

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