32- Stain and the Arcade

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Im a little late 🥺 I'm currently moving and it takes fOrEvEr.



I stood up with Katsuki and turned to where the voice came from.


The hero with Stain walked up to me as I handed them a slip that gave permission to see Stain without a hero in the room.

They hesitated before leaving since they weren't exactly supposed to leave them unsupervised but left anyway.

I gave Stainy a hug before we sat down in some chairs.

"It's nice to see you guys again."

"It's nice to see you too Stainy. Also I thought a lot about what you said, about it not being the right time. You were right. The League knows I'm alive and is after us

I need the help of dad and his class. I also need to train with them to learn their fighting style and strengths along with their weaknesses,"

"Sometimes to achieve great goals you need the help from people you least expect. Remember that."

"I will."

Bakugo POV

Y/n and I reached the school after talking to Stain. I hate to admit it but, he's a great guy.

"Y/n me and my friends are going to an arcade wanna go?"

"Wait, you have friends?"

"Tch, never mind,"

"Nooo I'm kidding! I would love to!"

We continued to walk till we saw Racoon Eyes and Shitty Hair at the front gates.

"Hey losers, lets go!"

"Alright we're coming!"

"Y/n! Come let's have a girl talk!" Mina shouted as Shitty Hair put an arm over my shoulders.

"And we can have a manly talk!"

"Tch, what's there to talk about?"

He pulled us ahead of them so they couldn't here what we were saying.

"A lot of stuff. So you like her?"

"Who the fuck you talking about?"

"Y/n of course! Did you kiss her yet?"

I felt my cheeks turn red and I looked away.

"Wait seriously! I was kidding! Oh my god are you guys a thing?"

"The fuck? No! We're not!"


We walked in silence as the girls still talked behind us.

"She likes you, ya know,"


"And it's obvious you like her too. Ask her out tonight, you won't regret it."

"Hey you guys made it!"

I looked up to see the rest of the Bakusquad standing outside an arcade and food place.

"Come on! Let's play some games!"

I stopped to wait for y/n and took her wrist pulling her over to a table.

"You can go play with your friends if you want. I can stay here."

I ignored her as I looked at what kind of pizza they had and ordered two large pepperoni pizzas.

We made some small talk till the pizza arrived and the squad ate all of it before quickly running back to play more games.

At one point I pulled y/n over to a claw machine and won her a red bear.

"Thank you Katsuki."

"Ya, whatever."

I looked at the time and it read 8:49 so I bid my goodbyes to the squad and walked y/n home to make sure she got there safely.

"Thanks for walking me home!"

"Uh, ya. No problem. Can I ask you something?"

"Uh, sure. What is it?"

"And it's obvious you like her too. Ask her out tonight, you won't regret it."

"Do you want to go out with me?" I mumbled.

She was only able to hear me due to her quirk. She flashed a smile before she kissed me on the cheek.

"Well it would make sense, wouldn't it?"

I scoffed at her response thinking of the  other times we kissed and shyly shook my head yes.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow Katsuki."

"Uh, ya. Bye."


I shut my door and was about to walk up stairs before I heard some celebrating behind the door I just closed. I chuckled a bit and walked up to my room. Setting my bear on the bed.

That's when it hit me. Like a bag of bricks.

I could see.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now