31- Planning a Visit

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I felt arms around me as I woke up.



"Where are we?"

"At my house idiot."

I felt tears come to my eyes as I nuzzled into his chest.

"I miss Stainy,"

He sighed "I know. Maybe Sensei will take you to the prison so you can see him."

I jumped out of his embrace and quickly got dressed in the bathroom.

I ran back in and threw Katsuki's clothes at him.

"Let's go!"

"Wait, now?"


When we got done with our morning routine, I took Katsuki's hand and dragged him to school.

When we got there Katsuki sat at his desk. A few people surrounded his desk trying to strike up a conversation.

"Dad! Can I see Stainy?"

"Stain? He's in prison."

"Yaaaaa. But your a hero! Please? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-I can do this all day-eeeeeeeee-"

"Alright, alright! You can go!"

"Can I bring Katsuki?"

I could feel Katsuki's eyes in me, ignoring his friends trying to talk to him as he looked at me.

"Y/n! Stain doesn't like me!"

"Trust me. He likes you. If he didn't, he would have killed you. Also you brought him tea, do that and he will do anything for you,"

"Sure, bring Bakugo I don't care,"

"What! Why does he get to skip!" A boy complained.

"He has been kidnapped for almost a month. Our school policy says he can have a few days off if he needs them."

I ran over and took Katsuki's hand and skipped out the door.
Sorry this one is so short ;-;

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now