41- Too Many Emotions

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*time skip brought to you by a fight scene*

My breathing was heavy as I looked my mother in the eye with Katsuki's head in my lap. Uraraka and Tsu ran up to me and offered to take him over to an infirmary. I was hesitant but I knew I had to keep fighting.

I left him to the girls as I faced my mother, eyes glowing black. She was the reason Katsuki was hurt.

I took all the strength I had to put all the fear I could gather and direct it at her. Even if it was only for a few seconds. I stopped and did it again. Multiple times. Over and over.

She stood up to charge at me but Todoroki used his ice to attack and keep her at bay. Everyone else was fighting other villains so I was grateful for his help.

Mom broke out of the ice and tackled me, putting her hand in my face.

Her hair was wild, sticking every different way in odd angels.

"Detroit SMASHHH!"

Green lighting was all of a sudden in front of me, helping me up as my mom flew a few feet away.

I quickly thought over a plan as my mom was standing up but that's when I remembered.

"Sometimes to achieve great goals you need the help from people you least expect. Remember that."

"Stains you wise old Bastard,"

Midoriya looked at me confused. "What?"

"I have a plan,"

*time skip brought to you by your plan*

Midoriya punched the ground making it shake as I used fear to also make her loose balance.

The shaking created a huge crack in the ground but I payed no intention to it.

Midoriya punched my mom and she stumbled over to me as I used my quirk.

When her quirk blocked it Midoriya kicked her in the gut. She doubled over and coughed up some blood.

Todoroki, who was still here, froze her to the ground. We were then surrounded by flames. (It took a lot of convincing from Midoriya's side)

He set his flaming hand on my moms cheek as I used fear to make her vulnerable. She let out a blood curdling scream of pain when he made skin contact.
She broke out of the ice flinging it everywhere.

A piece impaled my abdomen so I took the spare blindfold, still in my pocket from my villain days, and quickly tied it around the wound before anyone could notice.

I wiped the blood off my face and kicked mom in the chin as she stumbled backwards a bit. I haven't noticed before but I realized I couldn't feel anything, emotionally.

I've used my quirk a lot so I've become emotionless. I ignored it for now and continued to fight the woman who cursed me with life.

I then focused my quirk on my two companions and gave them confidence.

They lightly smiled but continued to fight. Now I could feel my emotions get out of hand.

I thought about how she hurt me and my dad. How she hurt my old friends. How she hurt Katsuki. I wanted her to feel guilty.

I could feel warm tears go down my face as I took absolutely all my power to give her all the guilt, to give her regret.

Her eyes grew as she started to stumble backwards as I held her throat.

"You. Lose."

I stated firmly tightening my grasp as I stared into her e/c eyes.

"In two years. time. You will. die." She croaked out.

I kicked her stomach as she fell through the crack in the ground that has been forgotten.

I walked forward and looked down. It's so deep you can't see the bottom I looked around to see the league with handcuffs being loaded into police cars. I smiled lightly as I stumbled backwards.

And the world went black.

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