36- The Right Emotion

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"Thanks Shinso!"

I shut the door and walked up to my room.

Katsuki left without me so Shinso offered to walk me home.

I saw my Tekisuto on my bed so I went to put it away but I accidentally pushed the big button.

"One new message from: Katsu,"

What? Did he get his back?

I opened the contacts when I remembered I haven't visited Mei yet. Made a mental note to do that soon.

Katsu                                                       Y/n

-hey y/n

They gave you the Takisuto

-Aizawa gave it to me
but I'm sorry I didn't walk
you home

That's ok! Shinso gave
me a ride-

-open your door

I stared at the last message confused before I heard knocking on the front door.

I jumped up and ran out of my room to the front door and yanked it open.


He wrapped his arms around me and put his face in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him.


"I'm sorry,"

"Come here,"

I pulled him into the house and shut the door as I led him to the couch. He pulled me onto his lap as he placed his face back on my neck.

His arms tightened around me as he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't walk you home,"

"Katsuki it's ok,"

I placed a hand in his hair and played with his grayish spikes.

"What color is your hair?"

He picked his head up and looked at me. "What?"

"I see your hair as a light gray, I was wondering what color it is,"

He looked away a bit. "It's a light blonde,"

I placed my hands on his cheek so he could look at me. I used my thumb to graze his cheekbone.

"What about your eyes?"


I frowned a bit "I forgot what that color looked like,"

He frowned a bit in return as his eyes got a bit watery.

"But it's on you so I'm guessing it's pretty,"

His face darkened a bit and he looked away.

"Don't say shit like that, it's fucking cheesy,"

I chuckled a bit.

"So why are you so clingy all of a sudden?"

He faced me but refused to make eye contact.

"When we fought today, I felt something. It made my heart do weird things. Can you do it again?"

I was slightly taken aback by that. Usually people would want to stay away from the feeling that breaks them. But Katsuki wants to feel it again.

I placed my hand on Katsuki's cheek again and he placed his over mine.

I let my quirk take over his emotions and his hand tightened over mine.

He gazed into my eyes and moved his hand off of mine and to my neck.

I stopped using my quirk but continued staring into his eyes.

"That's what I feel like when I'm with you," he whispered. "What emotions is that?"


He chuckled a bit. "Figures," he said before meeting his lips to mine.

Wait did he say he loved me?

I pushed the thought away as I kissed him back placing my arms around his neck.

He pulled away putting his forehead on mine.

"I like you,"

I smiled at his comment "your tolerable,"

He frowned while I laughed "I like you too, Firecracker,"

That seemed to please his as he kissed me ones more.

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