9- No Luck

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Im writing this during one act and i just want to say that you can find some weird stuff back stage.

Like I just found a safety pin with a bell on it so I did what any sane person would do and put it on the string of my sweatshirt so now i jingle.

I also found a piece of tape with a bellybutton ring thingy-a-bob on it so..... ya
Aizawa POV

I sat in my hospital bed playing with
y/n's bear when I heard the door open.

I looked over to see my class so I waved them in.

"Any updates on Bakugou?" I ask them.

"No, Toneless is smart and they can't get any leads."

I sighed and looked down at the bear in my hands.

Y/n had a thing where she refused to take the tags off of her toys no matter the size.

She would always say they were important and would messily scribble her name on the tag to prove it.

I looked at the tag to see if this one had her name on it.

It did.

In her messy little hand writing I read 'Y/n Aizawa & Shota Aizawa (daddy)'

I tried to write this as messy as possible ___________________________This was her favorite toy so she wanted me to sign it too

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I tried to write this as messy as possible
This was her favorite toy so she wanted me to sign it too.

I smiled at the memory.


I woke up to the alarm blaring into my eardrum.

After I threw the clock across the room I listened to it shatter before groaning and rolling onto my side.

I closed my eyes praying that I would fall asleep again before memories from yesterday crashed down on my like a tsunami.

I shot up from my bed.


I scrambled to put on a pair of black jeans and a black and white skull crop top before bursting through the door.

I ran back in my room and bumped into my nightstand before I scrambled to find my blindfold and put it on.

Then I crashed through the door again like the Kool Aid Man.

I didn't lock any of the doors last night, and I forgot to put Bakugou in his room.

I ran into the living room to throw on my jacket and relocate if I couldn't find him on the streets.

But before I could open the door I heard a voice come from behind me.

"Where are you going?"

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