2- December 5th

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*10 years later*

Shota's POV

I woke up and stared up at the ceiling. Ever since that night, I had the same nightmare. But this nightmare actually happened. The same flashback playing for me every night in my dreams. I touched my cheek and it came back wet.

I went to check my phone to see the date and instantly regretted it. December 5th. My little angels birthday, and I had work. I was lucky enough to get a job as a hero when I escaped my old life. I love teaching students to become heroes, and do what I failed to do......

Protect the ones you love the most.

I went to school early so I could sit at my desk in silence. I put my feet up and tried to forget about today. Thats when I started thinking, why would I try to forget my daughter? Literally my only reason and why I'm alive. I wonder if she's alive? Does she remember me? Does she miss me?

I saw tears drip onto my scarf before I quickly wiped them away hearing the door open and the flood of students come in before the bell rang.

I bet my eyes are red from crying but there isn't much I can do much now.

3rd Person POV

Everyone knew that Aizawa was feeling depressed today more so than normal. He wouldn't talk much. He wouldn't even sleep but he looked exhausted, like he's been crying all night.

Iida looks upset. He doesn't like when our learning is being interrupted by personal problems.

Whenever Iida would point out that he was failing to teach us or anything with 'failing' in it, he would flinch and apologize before starting to teach. It would only last a few minutes before he would lose focus and walk back to his desk and get lost in thought.

Then Iida asked a question that everyone has been trying to avoid.

"Sensei what could possibly be so depressing that it's interfering with your teaching?!"

Ok, mabey he phrased that a little different than we were going to do.

Shota's POV

"You really what to know?"

I was angry. But I wasn't angry at Iida, I was angry with myself.

"Of course!"

I took a deep breath and leaned forward in my seat and put my elbows on the desk. I rested my chin on my fists as I looked away from embarrassment.

"I have been put on this Earth to do one thing and one thing only. And I failed."

The class was silent as I decided how to word this.

"Well, today is my daughter's 16th birthday."

"Wait, you have a daughter?!"

"I do... she's my whole world. If it wasn't for her. I wouldn't be here today. She saved my life. She was only 5 but she thought of others before herself."

Uraraka walked up to my desk with her hands neatly folded in front of her. "I don't understand. How did you fail and why is her birthday makeing you so lonely?"

"Sorry Uraraka, it's classified, I can't tell you."

"I sure hope you aren't letting out classified information about your daughter Aizawa-san"

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