27- Here to Fight

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Aizawa POV

We were losing.

But that's when I saw people lurking in the shadows.

"Class! Get over her! There are more people coming!"

They obeyed but remained facing the villains.

"More people? Shigaraki did you call reinforcements?"

"No. I have no idea who they are,"

If the villains didn't know who they are then what are they doing here?

"What side are you on!"

"I fight on my own terms. My companion here just wants to fight."

A feminine voice rings out.

A beautiful young lady walks out but it looks like villain attire and a blindfold.

"I'm not exactly fond of the LOV so I'll be fighting agains them."

"May I ask who you are?"

She smiled "You may know me as Toneless,"

"Toneless? Where's Bakugo!"

"I'm right here,"

The other figure walks out to reveal Bakugo.



He wrapped an arm around Toneless.

"You said I could kick some villain ass. When can I start?"

Toneless placed a hand on Bakugo's chest.

"We can do introductions later. Go wild Katsuki."

And of course Bakugo being Bakugo rushed in and started fighting.

"Students continue fighting!"
So sorry. I can't write fight scenes. Today ain't a very good day so it's shorter than usual.

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