28- Reunion

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I keep forgetting to mention this but italics either mean flashbacks or tv/phones/Tekisuto whatever kind of electronic.

Bakugo POV

The villains escaped, like always, and the class was staring at me and y/n.

"Toneless you are under arrest for kidnapping."

I turn to see Aizawa put a hand on
y/n's shoulder only for me to slap it off.

"I think the fuck not!"

"What are you talking about she kidnapped you!"

"No. She saved me from the league. She kept me in her house for a week before letting me go. I was being stubborn and didn't leave."

He scoffed pushing me out of the way.

"How could I believe that?"

"We were walking home from Spicy Ramen when you and a group of heros invaded her home."

"That's why you weren't there? What about that video you two sent the school!"

"Ya well I got a fucking note that some shitty villain wanted me to tell you.

Their name is Toneless, and they have kidnapped me to get something they want, but of course you probably guessed that already. She wants a man who's name is Shota Aizaw- wait a fucking second THATS MY TEACHER YOU BASTER-"

"I was angry and didn't know the reason she wanted you. Now I do."

"Oh ya? And why is that."

"Not my secret to tell."

But now everyone was surrounding us wanting to get a closer look at the stranger know as Toneless.


We all faced y/n as she looked up at her father.

She pulled out a folded picture of them from years previous.

"It's me, y/n,"

Everyone gave a silent gasp but that was expected.

Someone you thought was dead turns out to be completely fine.


She nodded her head as she took off her blindfold and gave it to me.

A few tears escaped her eyes as she tried to rub them away with the palm of her hand.

Aizawa just stood their for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around her small body as they both cried into each other's shoulders.

Y/n radiated off a soft glow. Is this what it looks like when she's happy?

It took a while to get to this point but they made it.

They could have their happy every after.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice they broke off the hug till Aizawa spoke.

He put his hands on my shoulder.

"Thank you, for bringing my daughter home to me."

He has tear streaks running down his dirty cheeks but he was smiling.

"Y/n? Oh what a pleasant surprise!"

We all turned to see her mother facing us.

"What are you doing here! You left!"

"I knew this strange figure looked familiar, and I taught the both of you to never assume someone's dead unless there's a body."

She smirked.

"I just wanted to mess with you!"

She fell to the ground screaming as she held onto her head.

Y/n walked up to her.

"Y/n don-" Aizawa started but I cut him off by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You made everyone believe I was dead. Dad, Katsuki, my friend, and even Uncle Stainy!"

Her mom started giggling. Then her giggle turned to chuckling with quickly turned to laughing.

She stood up as she glared at y/n.

"My shield is too strong for even your quirk. You may have survived the poison. I don't know how and I don't care. But I can promise you when I tell you that In two years time, y/n Aizawa will cease to exist."

With that she disappeared into the purple void under her feet.

Almost forgot to post this 😅

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