24- Quirks

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Bakugo POV

"What do you mean your fucking blind?"

"Me. No see." She said slowly in a mocking tone.

"Since when!"

"I don't know, started getting worse eye sight when I was five. Remember when I told you I was a valuable tool to the LOV?"


"Well when I went blind they called me useless, so they had their leader force extra quirks on me-"

"You can do that!"

"Yes, now stop interrupting. They gave me the quirk 'senses'. It strengthened all my senses besides sight, which was weird. So they gave me more.

The gave me one called '6th sense' it's kind of like a shark or platypus in a way. I can tell when someone enters a room with the body heat and the muscle movements and I can tell where the furniture is with... it's kind of hard to explain it's like I'm feeling it but I'm not."

"How could you tell I was on my phone?"

"I could taste it. Electricity leaves a foul taste in my mouth. The last quirk they gave me was 'reaper' I can talk to, and sometimes see, souls. They gave it to me thinking I could use them to help me see, but I couldn't control it well, they would have to come to me instead of me summoning them."

"Is that who you were talking to at the cave? Akita?"

"Oh, ya! She guards the cave and tries to keep people out, but she let us pass because she knew me."

"What's your birth quirk?"

"I'm not ready to tell you. But I will, promise."

"That's alright, it's your business. You can tell me when your ready."

She nodded and leaned against my shoulder. My face started to burn but I left her there and continued to scroll through my phone with a light smile coating my face.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now