22- Getting her Costume

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Bakugo POV

As we entered town, I threw my hood up to hide my blonde locks. I put an arm over Toneless's shoulder as a group of guys walked past and I gave them a small glare.

"We need to go to my house."

"What? Why?" I stopped her and crossed my arms.

"My villain costume is there,"


She pouted a bit and continued walking until we were on her street.

Her house had construction tape on it and had two hero's watching, no, guarding the house.

I grabbed her hand before she could take off.

"Hold on dumbass! There's hero's guarding it!"

She frowned and I let out a sigh of how stupid she is. Her frown turned into a smirk before she turned to me.

"Stay here!"


Ya it was too late. Toneless was rushing down to the forest as she disappeared from my line of sight.

I turned to the heros and they were both looking at me. They turned to each other and it looked like they were arguing. I could tell it was Midnight and Mt. Lady.

Why would someone put those two together? They never get along. Mt. Lady gives her the finger as she starts walking to me.

I was still a block away. I was trying to think of a plan so I could get out of there.

Then, one of the windows to Toneless's house shattered on the top floor.

She jumped onto the roof in her villain costume and started laughing to get their attention.

Sure enough, it worked. Mt. Lady abandoned her previous mission and sprinted after Toneless.

Toneless jumped behind her and she took my hand as we ran with the heros hot on our heels.

Midnight was about to use her quirk before her and Mt. Lady fell to the ground clutching their heads screaming in terror.

We ran down the streets but started getting slower as Toneless started loosing her energy.

We turned into an alley. Toneless slumped onto the wall and put her head between her knees.

I kneeled in front of her and gently shook her shoulders. "Toneless! Hey! You alright?"

"Y-ya. I'm fine. It just takes a lot of stamina to use my quirk at this distance."

Her quirk? I remember I still didn't know exactly what her quirk was but that's a question for another day.

She tried to stand up just to fall down again.

I picked her up bridal style, much to her dismay, and slung her bag over my shoulder as I made my way home.

My parents home.

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