40- Unexpecting

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Today was like any other day.

Katsuki and I walked to school and he took his seat as I stood by the teachers desk.

Everyone was chatting among themselves when the door slammed open.

All eyes were on the pink haired girl who walked in.

"Oh, h-hey Mei,"

She slammed the door shut again and walked over to me with a scowl and a dark presence.

She stopped in front of me and raised her hand striking me in the face.

Katsuki almost stood up before I chuckled a little.

"Heh, ya I deserve that don't I?"

Water shot out of her eyes as she clung onto my waist.

"You didn't come visit me when you cane baaaaack!"

I returned the hug as the door creaked open again to show dad before he gladly closed it again after seeing Mei.

I felt my friend jump away from me before walking up to Katsuki.

"Is this Bakugo? I remember from the note you had me write to Bakugo when you gave him the......whatever you call it."

"The Tekisuto? Ya that's him alright."

"Eh, you could do better!"


I snickered a bit pushing him back into his chair as I heard the bell ring, signaling class was about to start.


She looked at me dead in the eye when she said this. "I'll see you later, correct?"

"U-uh, y-yea...."

She beamed her bright smile at me. "Great!"

She turned on her heal and walked out the door. As soon as she left Dad quickly walked in and shut the door.

"That girl. Is scary,"

I nodded in agreement as the class started to get back to their conversations.

"Alright everyone, more training today. You need to learn how to fight as a group. You will be split into teams and go against each other in the same space you went against the teacher-"

Midnight burst into the room out of breath.

"Their here."

Aizawa ordered us to put on our costumes and meet him on the main field. And that's what we did.

Sooo I should probs work on book 2 sometime soon before this book ends 😅

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