38- Battle Training

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We stood at the entrance as the doors opened.


The three of us ran into the street, All Might no where in sight.

"We can't fight him, we have to escape."

"No way in hell are we running away Deku!"

A big blast came from behind us as All Might landed.

"Hello, Younglings!"

He blasted us into a building but Katsuki used his explosions to soften his landing.

All Might was in front of us again as I used my quirk to make him feel fear. His smile never faltered.

Midoryia tried to attack him from behind but all might caught and trapped him under a bicycle rack.

Now it was just me and Katsuki.

All Might took Katsuki by the face as I ran over to free Midoryia. Katsuki was about to be slammed into the ground before I finally freed Midoryia so he could save him.

What I didn't expect was for him to pick up me and Katsuki then bunny hop out of there.

"What are you doing Deku!"

"We can't fight him! He's too powerful, right y/n!"

"No! Y/n, we can take him!"

"Kacchan, this is practice for when we fight y/n-Chan's mom! Learn to care about other people for once and escape!"

"Don't you dare tell me I don't care about my girlfriend you useless Deku!"

"Wait, your girlfriend?"

I decided that now was the time to jump into the conversation.

"Katsuki! We can't fight him!"

"So now your teaming up with Deku! I thought you hated him!"

"Oh I despise him! But listen, I have a


I ran out into the streets looking for All Might.

I saw him on the roof a few streets over looking in the alleyways for us.

I ran into one of the buildings as I used my quirk. I struggled a bit figuring out which emotion I wanted to use but I decided on loneliness.

His legs shook a bit looking around, trying to figure out where I was. I ducked so he couldn't see me even though I was still a few streets down.

I switched to grief as I saw his legs give out. He shakily stood back up but limped around a bit.

This must be the right emotion but I need to get closer so I can make it stronger.

Keeping my quirk active, I weaved between the streets till I was close, but still out of view.

He collapsed and rolled onto his back. Katsuki took this chance to attack him with an explosion.

Midoryia ran behind me with one of Katsuki's gauntlets and went for the exit.

He was almost there but I started feeling really tired so I sat on my knees.

Midoryia, being the idiot he is, noticed this and ran back over to me. He flung me on his back as my emotions left my body. I accidentally let go of my quirk and All Might took the chance to fling Bakugo to the building next to us.

Midoryia picked him up bridal style and used Bakugo's gauntlet to propel us forward and we almost got through the exit before All Might collided with us and knocked us a few feet away from the exit.

I landed next to Katsuki so I helped him up and he ran for the exit while Midoryia Detroit smashes All Might.

All three of us end up exiting and passed out on the ground.

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