13- Company

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Your POV

I laid on my bed listening as the explosions from the living room died down before flipping open my Tekisuto and went to Mei's number.

My Tekisuto worked differently than Bakugo's. It has voice recognition and all I need to do is say who I want to talk to and what I want to say. It also reads the messages out loud so I don't have to read.

"Tekisuto, text Mei."

I heard a little beep.

"Texting Mei. What would you like to say?"

I smiled to myself hearing the message, dropping the Tekisuto onto the soft sheets

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I smiled to myself hearing the message, dropping the Tekisuto onto the soft sheets.

I heard a ding.

"New message from: Mei. Hey bestie! I gave Stain a Tekisuto or whatever you call it."

"Mei Hatsume has added Stain to contacts, what do you want to say?"

"Hey Stainy, could you come over? I live across the street in the old house."

"Message sent."

I sighed and rolled off the bed before making my way to the living room.

"Bakugo I'm having company over make yourself scarce or there's a chance he'll kill ya."

"Tch. I ain't scared of no villain bastard."

"Suit yourself. But he ain't called the Hero Killer for nothing."

"Wait wha-"

Two knocks were heard from the door and I skipped over there yanking it open.

"Hey there, Girlie."

"Hi Stainy!"

I welcomed him inside as I felt him stiffin.

"Who's your friend?"

"Oh, that's Bakugo he goes to UA. The League kidnapped him so I kidnapped him from them."

"You weren't seen correct?"

"The lights went out and I was in the vents."

"Very good." He praised.

I smirked but it quickly dropped and I adopted a stern look.

"Bakugo, go make some tea."

"What? Fuck no!"

I sighed and used my quirk on him till he was shaking with fear.

"I-I'll go m-make some tea." He whispered walking into the kitchen.

Stain and I sat on the couch as we waited for our drinks.

"What did you need to talk about, Girlie?"

"We need to make a plan to kill the LOV."

He sighed as I heard two cups being placed in front of us.

"Fuck you Toneless."

I ignored him as he sat behind me.

"Even though it's really tempting to go and kill them, I can tell that it isn't the right time. Plus we still have to deal with your dad."

"Your dad? Who the hell is unfortunate enough to be your dad?" Bakugo scoffed.

"That isn't important, Bakugo. Now, what do you mean it's not the right time?"

"You will see what I mean in time."

I took a sip of my now warm tea and brought it down to my lap while I continued to pout.

"You sound like some wise old man trying to give advice."

He let out a small chuckle while he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I will be going to Hosu so I can see if there are any non worth heroes that need to wake the fuck up and realize they're a fake."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Can I come?!?"

"No can do kiddo. Can't risk it."

I frowned and put my cup on the coffee table.

"I take back all the nice things I said about you." I mumbled.

He laughed as I realized Bakugo has been unusually quiet. Wonder what's up with him.

Help Me See Again (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now