39- He Cares

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I opened my eyes just to be blinded by a bright light.

I closed them again and rubbed them sitting up. Am I in recovery girls office?

I looked to my right to see Katsuki sleeping in a chair next to my bed. He has bandages every where and his hair was messier than normal.

I looked to my left to see Midoriya sitting up in his bed looking at me offering a slight smile.

He also has bandages on his face wich meant I probably did too.

"Kacchan was really worried about you,"

"He was?"

He nodded looking at his hands in his lap. "Are you guys really dating?"

I took a took breath before answering "ya,"

"But you-"

"Kidnapped him. Ya, I know,"

"Sorry, it's just kinda hard to believe Kacchan would agree to go out with you,"

I laughed as he looked at me confused.

"What's so funny?"

"He asked me," I giggled.

I swear his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

"Close your mouth nerd. You'll swallow a fly."

His mouth snapped shut as he saw the Pomerania behind me.

"Kacchan! Your awake!"

"Yeah, yeah. Cmon y/n let's go."

He took my hand pulling me out of bed as we made our way to the locker rooms.

I stumbled through the door and found my stuff still sitting in a corner. I changed back into my uniform and met Katsuki outside.

We walked home in a comfortable silence till we reached my house.

"Mind if I stay over?"

A bit surprised by this question I answered quickly before he could change his mind.

"Yes! I mean no! No i don't mind if you stay,"

I stuttered out nervously.

He chuckled at my response and walked with me into the house, closing the door behind him.

I sat on the couch and Katsuki used my lap as a pillow. I played with his hair as he took a deep breath.

"You know I like you right?"

"Well I hope so!"

He looked at me unamused as I smiled down at him.

"Don't let anyone, especially that stupid Deku, let you believe I don't care for you got it!"

I smiled softly at him leaning down to place a kiss on his head.

"Got it,"

He grumbled "Good, because I care."

He turned so his face was nuzzled in my stomach.

I lightly blushed as I continued to comb my fingers through his hair till I heard soft snores come from him.

"Good night, Katsuki."


I was about to fall asleep before I remembered.

"Shit, I was going to see Mei today! Awwwww, she probably thinks I hate her." I decided I was going to blame Katsuki for not reminding me.

Well there's always tomorrow.

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