Chapter 10

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“Come on.” Shawn complained from the door way, I was checking the room for anything I may have left behind. “Dude, I work here. If you leave something I can pick it up for you.” I sighed as I gave up, truth be told I was just putting off the inevitable. Part of me wanted to stay here forever, it’s been two months, two months in my bubble of semi-reality.

“I’m coming.” I muttered, following him out the door. We both said our goodbyes to the staff, Shawn had taken a week off work to ‘adjust’. He took me to his car, it was a mini. Kim would be ecstatic, she loves minis. Susan might pass out at the mention of the word. He threw my stuff in the back seat.

“Climb in the front.” He ordered as he got into his side. “I’m thinking, we drop this stuff off first and then have something to eat. Then grab whatever you need from your place.”

“Sounds like a great idea!” And I meant it, anything to put off returning to that place. “What’s your place like anyway?” I asked. All I knew is that it’s a flat.

“Well, I told you my parents are pretty well-off.” I nodded, he had mentioned it a few times. He doesn’t talk about his family much. “They bought the flat as a present, a congratulations for succeeding in life I guess.”

“Sounds nice.”

“Oh it is. 2 Bedrooms, well apparently 3. But the third is pretty small, a kitchen/diner and a living room. In a nice old building. It’s great.”

“Wow! 3 bedrooms! Really Shawn?”

“Mhhm. You have a room to yourself, there’s not much in there at the moment so we can go out and buy stuff at some point. Although I’m thinking maybe we should move, you know, get a new start.”

“I’m sure it will be fine Shawn, but if you want to move don’t let me stop you.” I suddenly realised I wasn’t the only one who’s had a massive change in their life. Shawn now has a 16 year old to look after, he practically has a child. “Thanks Shawn, for everything. You have given up so much for me.” He turned and smiled.

“Don’t worry about it, you aren’t that much trouble. And I’ll have help.”


“Don’t worry your pretty little head.” He laughed. “I have everything covered. Now, technically I’m still in work today and tomorrow, so I may get called in.”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head.” I mocked, which had him laughing.

“Brilliant, I guess I’ll just leave you at the flat. We’ll wait and see.” I nodded. We drove the rest of the way in silence, a comfortable one though. He stopped the car outside a beautiful old building.

“This is the flat?” I asked, shocked doesn’t cover it.

“Yep, welcome home.” He grabbed the bags and headed inside, showing me the passcode to inlock the door. He unlocked ‘our’ flat and took me inside. It was amazing.

“Wow.” I gasped, it was beautiful.

“Your room’s through here.” I followed him into a room that was at least as big as my old one, if not bigger. There were windows and a single bed, some drawers, a built in wardrobe and a bookshelf. “We’ll need a desk and stuff.” I had thought about offering to bring my stuff over, but if we are starting new maybe I shouldn’t. He threw my bag onto the bed. “Did you want a minute?” I just nodded, I don’t think my brain could deal with words right now. “I’m jumping in the shower.” He informed me, before heading into the door to the right of my room. I lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. This is my room. In my house. I live here now. It’s so strange. I opened up the bag and started packing some things away, I realised I haven’t told Susan about all this yet. Oops. I pulled out my phone. ‘Hey, so I’m moving in x With Shawn ;) Today… So, I’ll try and get you round soon babe’ She would be so jealous, she has a MASSIVE crush on him, no matter what she says. ‘OOOHH! Nice :P can’t wait to see the place’ Of course she can’t, how can she accurately day-dream about their life together if she doesn’t know where he lives.

“Ready to go?” Shawn asked, appearing at the door.

“Sure, yeah, why not? Where?” He just smiled at me.

“I was thinking we could go to McDonald’s.”

“You sure know the way to my heart!” I laughed, giving him a quick hug before bouncing to the door. I heard him chuckling as he followed me. “I was wondering if Susan could come round at some point?” I asked nervously after a few minutes driving.

“Of course, this is our home now. You can invite friends round, I’d just appreciate a text to let me know.” I nodded, I had all his contact numbers in case of an emergency.

“Thanks Shawn.”

“No problem. Danny said he might drop by later today, or tomorrow.” I couldn’t hold back the smile.

“That’ll be fun.”

“I’m sure.” Shawn laughed. We parked outside the McDonald’s, we live pretty close to be honest. It’s going to be great. Shawn already knew what I wanted, he had got so used to buying me food. He knows what I like and dislike, so I went straight to a table in the corner. Out of the way. Taking out my phone and checking twitter and Facebook. Danny and The Script still hadn’t followed me on twitter, I was a little offended. We have bonded after all. “Why are you staring at your phone like it killed a man?” Shawn asked placing a tray of food in front of me.

“Thanks babe. And it’s not the phone I’m mad at, Danny hasn’t followed me on twitter.” I complained.

“Just ask him to do it tonight, or tomorrow, whenever he shows up.” Shawn pointed out.

“Good point.” I said round a mouthful of food. Shawn just shook his head as he began to eat as well.

“You know, we don’t have to go to your house today.” He announced quietly, this was my chance to get out of it. But if I keep putting it off, then I’ll never go. I blinked away the tears.

“No. We can go.” It was barely a whisper, but Shawn heard me. Nodding sympathetically as he continued to eat. I could do it. I could. Part of me knew it, or knew I could attempt it. That’s what I would do, I would try. I need to try. For all of us, for a new start, for my life. Because I survived, they may not have, but that just means I need to make my life worth it. Right? Right. At least, that’s what my therapist says.

Fix You - A The Script/Danny O'Donoghue FanficWhere stories live. Discover now