Chapter 11

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As we turned down the street I knew this was a bad idea. I felt sick, I felt empty. I felt like I was dying. He stopped outside the house. The police tape was still up around the house. I somehow made it out of the car, stumbling towards the door, Shawn was somewhere behind me, but he was a distant memory. Shaking hands put the keys in the door, I couldn’t see anything; my eyes were full of tears. I managed to get the door open, falling inside before I let the tears take over. I was sobbing, I was having a major breakdown. Somewhere in my head I was aware of this. Watching like a stranger. I was reliving that night, every punch, and every cut. Every little thing. I was shouting, I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I was vaguely aware of arms wrapping around me. I tried to fight them off, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t do it. They were talking to me, I think. But no. I wasn’t here. I was there. I was in that night. I was placed down. When had they picked me up? But as soon as I was left alone that part of my brain gave up, instead I was purely in pain. Only the memories of that night. Painfully detailed.

“Fuck.” I heard. Was that them? It didn’t sound like them, it sounded like… Like that person. He is good, I think. “Amy. Amy, can you hear me?” I think I was still screaming, maybe I wasn’t. I was still crying, I know that, every breath makes my chest and throat burn. “Look, I need to go to the hospital. We talked about this, remember?” Did I remember, I think I might do. Shawn. That’s who it is. The man. “Danny is going to come round, you can’t be alone like this.” He sounded upset, why was he upset. I was upset, but that was because I had to live it again. Over and over. Coming back in painful flashes, replaying over and over. I managed to nod, opening my eyes and forcing them to focus on his face. “Good girl.” He smiled down at me. I heard the door open.

“Amy? Shawn?” It was Danny. “Where are you?” Those three words. Why? Why? Just like that I was pulled into another memory, I was hiding. They made me hide. Now they would find me. And it would hurt, I know whatever they do will hurt. Their voices made me sick, sneering at me. Their heavy footsteps on the stairs. I tried not to breathe, if they don’t find me maybe it will be easy. Maybe they won’t hurt us. I smothered a whimper as the door to the room opened, they walked past me. Once. Twice. Third time unlucky. His face appeared in front of mine, I couldn’t hold back the scream and as he ripped me from my hiding place.

“Amy, Amy, come back. It’s okay. I promise. It’s okay.” I let those gentle words pull me back to reality, I was being rocked gently. They were hugging me, then I recognised the voice.

“Danny.” I sobbed into his shoulder. Glad to be free of the memory, of the vivid memory. It felt like I was living it all over again.

“I have you. It’s safe love, I promise.” He comforted, he sounded upset too. To be fair, I just had a complete and utter breakdown. I mean. Shit.

“I’m so sorry.”

“No, don’t you apologise. You have done nothing wrong. Those bastards are the ones who should be sorry.” He snapped, making me jump. “Sorry, it just gets to me. Please, don’t be sorry darling. I’ve got you now. Okay.” I relaxed in his arms, crying the last of my tears.

“I tried to go back to the house with Shawn.” I told him quietly, he didn’t reply, just continued to rock me gently. “But. I couldn’t do it. I just, broke down. When I got in, the memories. It was too much. Every little thing.” I let out a choked sob. “Then when you called out, it brought me back to another memory. It was like living it all over again.”

“Shhh. Let’s not worry about it now. Okay, let’s think of something else.” I finally pulled back, seeing Danny’s extremely upset face. “What about dinner? Take out? McDonalds?” He suggested.

“What about you follow me on twitter?” I blurted, making Danny chuckle.

“Wasn’t expecting that, but sure.” He laughed, pulling his phone out. “Now what do you want to eat?” I wasn’t hungry, not really. But Shawn knows me too well, he can tell when I’m not eating. The asshole. And Danny would just tell Shawn anyway.

“You can choose.” I mumbled, lying back on the couch.

“Dominoes?” I nodded at him, pointed out my favourite one and he went off and ordered. “We have 20 minutes. How about, I go out and buy a movie and we can relax?” I liked that idea, the smile was enough of an answer for him. He left £30 on the table in case the pizza gets here before he does. I was left on my own, I’m fairly certain Shawn said that was a no go. Oh well. Danny has yet again saved me from a mental breakdown, or you know, an even worse mental breakdown. I wandered into the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit. Like really shit. My eyes looked lifeless and empty, my face wet with tears. I washed my face quickly, before hearing a knock at the door. I ran off to see who it was. Danny, with Pizza.

“We got here at the same time.” He explained as he struggled through the door. “Take a seat. I’ll get the movie on.” And he did just that. Ride Along. Damn it, I love comedies.

“I really wanted to see this.” I told him, which made him smile proudly.

“Good, now move up.” I did and he threw himself next to me. Wrapping an arm around me. I had one pizza and he had the other, we were sharing but there wasn’t enough room for them to be somewhere we can both reach, there was a box of those chicken stripper things on his knee and some mozzarella dipper things on my knee. Oh and he’d bought some coke for us both too.

The film was great, the food was delicious. I know Danny was letting me eat what I wanted, and not telling the truth if I asked for the last piece of something. But I realised how hungry I was after I ate the first slice of pizza. All in all we had a great night. After the food had gone we got more comfortable. I snuggled into Danny’s side and had my head against his shoulder, it was all very nice and relaxing.

“Don’t move.” I murmured as the credit’s rolled.

“But the film is finished.” He whined

“No shit Sherlock, but I’m comfortable.”

“Fine.” He sighed, reaching out to get the remote. I smiled and let my eyes fall shut. I felt safe, even the nightmares wouldn’t bother me here.

A/N - So this thing is finally getting interesting! Sorry it's been a long time coming, but it does get better, hopefully :)

Fix You - A The Script/Danny O'Donoghue FanficWhere stories live. Discover now