Chapter 31

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I saw Glen pacing up and down the corridor, I had just followed Mark, I am barely aware of where we are. “Where is she?” I asked instantly.

“We can’t see her yet.” Glen sighed.

“What? Why not?” We could see her last time, why not this time? This is all too confusing.

“Dan. She suffered a head injury. I didn’t want to have to tell you, but Amy is currently in a coma. They don’t know when she’ll wake up or the extent of the damage caused.” I fell into the chair, unable to stand any longer.

“Coma.” I whispered.

“Shawn is talking to the doctors now, once they are confident she is stable we can go in and see her.” Right, coma, stable. Coma. Those are bad, right? Sometimes they suffer from memory loss and stuff, what if she forgets about us all? What if she doesn’t wake up? No. Don’t think like that. Glen had sat down next to me. “We have to stay strong for her Dan.” I managed a nod, I didn’t trust my voice right now. Glen and Mark started talking again, I couldn’t pay attention, my mind was wandering. I’m allowed to be distracted. I saw Shawn.

“They said we can visit her very soon, the next hour.” He informed us, he looked as upset as we did. Of course he did, he was her guardian. He was supposed to be flying out to America on Wednesday.

“Can you get my guitar?” I asked Mark and Glen, my voice quiet.

“Get it yourself.” Mark sighed, Glen glared at him.

“I’ll go, anyone want a drink?” He was met with silence, I forced a smile though.

“You could have gone.” Mark said after Glen had got in the elevator.


“Dan, grow up. Stop being such a baby.” He snapped. Is he being an asshole on purpose?

“Oh fuck you!” I shouted, drawing unwanted attention to us. “You know how much this hurts me, how it nearly kills me to see her like this! Yet you insist on being an ass. Keep your bloody mouth shut if you aren’t going to be nice about this.” He looked away, obviously upset about all this. Or just angry. Fuck him. Glen came back with the guitar. “Thanks Glen.” He had noticed the discomfort between me and Mark, the man notices everything. I started playing my new favourite song, my eyes full with unshed tears as I sang.

“That was beautiful.” Glen told me quietly. “She will be alright you know, and then you can serenade her and live happily ever after.” I allowed myself to smile.

“Thanks. For everything.” I replied, going back to my guitar.

“Anytime Dan, anytime.” It couldn’t be too long until we can see her, I’m starting to get worried. What if something went wrong? They would tell us though, wouldn’t they?

“You can see her now.” When the fuck did he get here. “There are lots of machines and wires around her, please don’t mess with these. If something is wrong alert a nurse or doctor immediately. She is still in a coma, we don’t know when, or if, she will wake up. When she wakes, she may be disorientated, suffer from memory loss or suffer from other medical issues. But we can assure you, we will do everything we can to help her.” I forced myself to take all this in, to listen carefully. He wasn’t promising she would be okay, he was saying there was hope, but that there’s always the possibility that she won’t make it. Or won’t be the same. It doesn’t matter, I just want to see her. He led us to her room, talk about Deja Vu. Here we are again. I walked in first, I don’t know how that happened. Must be the long legs. She looked so pale and frail, her head was wrapped in a bandage, and so were her wrists. It looked like she was breathing on her own, which is good. That means no life support, which would be bad. I took a seat by her bed, grabbing her hand softly.

“Hey Amy, look. I flew all the way over here, so you better wake up. And tell me everything is going to be alright.” I heard my voice break and felt the tears again. The Doctor looked at me sadly, eyes full of sympathy, the others seemed to mirror my sadness. Of course they did, she was laying in front of us and may never wake up. All of us should be fucking upset.

“It’s possible that she is aware of her surroundings in some way, we suggest talking to her and visiting as often as possible.” The Doctor said before leaving.

“I’ll be here every day.” I claimed.

“Danny, we can’t do that. We have commitments, things we physically can’t back out of.” Mark informed me, trying to keep his own voice steady. I stayed quiet, I know he is right. Jesus. I hate this. Sometimes I really regret becoming a musician, it really isn’t as care free as one might think.

“You can visit any other time though Dan.” Glen reminded me, I know he is treating me like a child. And any other time I’m sure this would piss me off. But right now that is exactly what I need. I nodded, my eyes not leaving her face.

“You should still go to America Shawn.” I commented.

“I don’t think I can.” He responded quietly.

“We can call if anything changes, you need to see your family.”

“She’s my family.” He admitted.

“We will be here for her, go see your Dad, convince him to come over here. Finally meet Amy.” I insisted. “You know how Amy felt about this trip, she was so happy for you.”

“You’re right. Promise to call if she wakes up, or?” The words unspoken made me frown, there is no or. No way, she will be alright and she will wake up.

“I promise.” I agreed, this is good. If she can hear, she will be happy about this arrangement for sure. As if sensing my current mood Glen handed me the guitar.

“Why don’t you play some stuff for her? The one outside sounds great, but not too much. It’s depressing.” Glen suggested with a soft smile. I nodded, and started playing again. I would do anything for her. I’d bleed myself dry. A small smile appeared on my face.

“You know, I think Coldplay are our band.” I told her, before playing Yellow. I saw the looks the others were giving me, her, each other, but nothing matters. Not until she wakes up at least. I can’t bring myself to care about their silent conversation. I focussed on the music, it had always calmed her down if she was upset. It was our escape. It always had been. And it always will be.

A/N - Ah isn't that sweet XD Thanks for getting me over 500 reads, please vote and comment :) I love hearing what ya think :D

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