Chapter Seven: One Month Later...

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It has been a little over a month since my mum and I moved here

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It has been a little over a month since my mum and I moved here. People had been going missing more often now.

They'd be finding bodies regularly, but still, nothing was dealt with, the police hardly investigated. It was like this town knew what was happening, the people of this town were just as bad.

Being in this town just felt like a trap, like I was trapped forever! I hated it... all of it.

My mum and Mr Johnson had got close, he had a business to attend to in London and asked my mother if she would accompany him. She couldn't deny this offer, it was her dream to go to London, so she went.

She left yesterday, leaving me in this mystery town myself, knowing hardly anyone at all. The worst part is that she didn't tell me how long the trip was. It could be 1 week, 2 weeks, a month? Nobody knows.

In my life, Beth, Nelly and I got close. I found out they were friends with Mia as well and she goes to our school.

We made a friend group. What made me confused was little remarks they would say that would confuse me. They would either pinch or look at each other like they were holding in a secret.

I was now getting ready to go home from work. I had to stay overtime to help restock and make sure everything was in place since we had moved things around making the shop look much bigger.

"Lydia, you can go home now, you've done well today," Joe says smiling.

"It's not a problem." I put down the rest of the clothes I was holding. I went into the back of the store and grabbed my coat and headed for the front entrance.

"See you tomorrow," I waved to everyone and pushed the doors open.

I noticed it was raining, I quickly put my hood up and sighed knowing that I should have brought an umbrella with me.

I got out my phone and noticed that it was 11:58 pm, I sighed and unlocked it to see I had a few messages from my mum. I quickly noticed a bus shelter and hid underneath that, so I could reply. After that, I spent a good few minutes scrolling through my social medias noticing nothing new, same old posts from people. When I felt like the rain got lighter, I quickly continued my journey back home.

The streets were empty and dark, there were hardly any streetlights around, it looked like something from a horror movie.

I got my phone back out and put my flashlight on, so I could see better. I crossed the road and took a left turn. Suddenly, I heard whimpering.

I wanted to follow the sounds, but my brain was screaming not to. I never followed any advice my mind was saying and quietly walked towards the sound in an alley between apartments.

I noticed two silhouettes, it looked like they were hugging, I shrugged and saw no problem. I made my way back to the main road until I heard a drop. I turned back around and one body was missing.

I couldn't see a thing. The rain was now getting a lot heavier. I panicked when I noticed the shadow of the person walking towards me, I stood frozen as I tried to control my breathing. Before I could even think anymore, I was pinned to the wall letting out a gasp for air.

The wall lights turned on as I noticed the familiar face come into the light.


He smirked.

"We meet again, Lydia."

The next thing I knew was highly impossible. His teeth formed fangs as his eyes turned a piercing dark red crimson colour.

I felt a big sting on my neck as I tried to keep my eyes open. It all happened so fast, I felt the heaviness of my neck collapse as my eyes rolled back until all I saw again was darkness.

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