Chapter Fifty-Two: Trusted

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My head pounded as I groaned in pain. I tried to lift myself as I couldn't move my arms. I tried again, failing.

I slowly opened my eyes, noticing I was in some sort of basement. I looked around in panic at my surroundings as I noticed my clothes were covered in blood.

Glancing over to the side, my heart raced as my hands were chained to the wall I was against.

The numbness feeling was taking over my arms as I tried to look and see if my mum was in here with me, but it was too dark to see anything.

I was about to call for her until I heard footsteps coming downstairs into the basement. I closed my eyes again pretending I was still passed out. I heard muffles of voices as they soon came closer to me.

"I know you are awake, Lydia, open your eyes pretty."

I opened my eyes again as I let out a whimper, "N-Nathaniel?"

"That's me." He let out a laugh as he came closer. "Listen, about detention, I'm sorry? If this is what it's about, I won't do anything bad I-"

I got interrupted by Nathaniel as he punched the wall I was pinned against.

"Shut up!" He snapped.

I closed my mouth as I looked behind him, seeing another shadow coming closer.

"Finally, the time has come. Let me formally introduce myself, since I never had the chance to the last time. My name is Adelia Johnston," she said, folding her arms.


"Save it. I don't want to hear anything from you!"Adelia spat. She turned around and stopped.

"Dad, hit the lights!" she yelled. I felt sick, did she just say, dad?

The whole room lit up as I noticed I was in a room that looked like a jail. I looked around and noticed many other cells just like the one I was in.

I then noticed Sam come out from under the stairs.

"Sam," I cried, "I trusted you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Sam didn't move a muscle he stood in his position with a smirk plastered over his face.

"Trusted me? Lydia... Why would you be a vampire?" He says as he showed me his fangs. I tried to move back as far as I could, but It was impossible as I was already chained to the wall.

"Where is my mum?" I yelled.

"The show is about to begin," Adelia announces, she skips and sits down next to me. Nathaniel then looked at Sam and gives him a nod of approval.

"You see Lydia, Adelia and Sam and I have had a plan for years now, and it is finally going along smoothly. Sam must be starving, why don't we give him a small treat?" Nathaniel explains.

Sam walked towards the middle of the floor as he had a tight grip onto my mum. She looked broken, she tried her best to open her eyes as I could see she was in pain.

"No, leave her alone!" I screamed, trying to get out of the chains.

"Ah, Lydia! Not now, the show has just started," Adelia says, holding the chains so they couldn't make a noise.

I heard my mum cry as she begged Sam to let her go. I couldn't watch anymore of this. I looked away as Adelia held my face back to watch what was happening.

"Watch the show bitch, the best part is happening," she whispered into my ear.

I looked feeling tears fall. Sam was biting now biting her. She locked eyes with me as tears fell from her eyes until she collapsed.

Adelia and Nathaniel stood up and clapped for Sam as he dropped my mother's body onto the floor.

I let out a horrific scream as I felt my throat hurt. I couldn't believe my eyes at what I've just been forced to watch. My life had been taken away from me, I had nobody left.

"You monsters!" I roared.

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